react testing library course

Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library on


Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library

Course material for testing React components using react-testing-library

  • react-dom.js - Render a React component for testing
  • jest-dom.js - Use jest-dom for improved assertions
  • dom-testing-library.js - Use dom-testing-library to write more maintainable
    React tests
  • react-testing-library.js - Use react-testing-library to render and test
    React Components
  • localized.js - Testing localized content with react-testing-library
  • state.js - Test React Component state changes with react-testing-library
  • prop-updates.js - Test prop updates with react-testing-library
  • a11y.js - Test accessibility of rendered React Components with jest-axe
  • dependency-injection.js - Mock HTTP Requests with Dependency Injection in
    React Component Tests
  • http-jest-mock.js - Mock HTTP Requests with jest.mock in React Component
  • mock-component.js - Mock react-transition-group in React Component Tests
    with jest.mock
  • error-boundaries.js - Test componentDidCatch handler error boundaries with
  • tdd-markup.js - Test drive the development of a React Form with
  • tdd-functionality.js - TDD the functionality of a React Form with
  • react-router.js - Test react-router Provider history object in React
    Component Tests with createMemoryHistory
  • redux.js - Test a redux connected React Component
  • custom-hook.js - Test a custom hook
  • portals.js - Test React portals
  • unmounting.js - Test Unmounting a React Component with react-testing-library
  • app.js - Testing the full application.

Note: the setup for this project uses kcd-scripts. Don’t worry about that. You
can learn about how to configure jest properly in the “Configure Jest for
Testing JavaScript Applications” module of