
đŸ”„ Content management system (CMS) and blogging application software based on React/Redux, Node.js, Express and MongoDB.


ReactCMS is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on React, Node.js, Express and MongoDB.

Supporting ReactCMS

ReactCMS can be used to create your awesome and fast single-page blogging application. Consider supporting ReactCMS for future improvements. Here are the ways to show some support:

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Publish a new article Become pioneer on publishing articles and forum threads about the blogging application that’s made with React, Node.js, Express and MongoDB (MERN).

Thanks for any love and support!


To use ReactCMS, you must first checkout this repository, or download the .ZIP file and extract its contents, and proceed to the following server and client-side installations:

Installing back-end with Node.js, Express and MongoDB

The “server” directory contains the source code for your app’s backend Express server.

  • First, you must have a mongod running version 3.2.x of MongoDB or above. (Recommended provider to have your own domain and VPS/dedicated server that can be customized to have Node.js and MongoDB for hosting a MEAN/MERN stack application like React CMS.)
  • In the “server” directory, run npm install to install its dependencies.
  • Open /server/config.js, read the property descriptions carefully and set them properly according to the configuration of your server.
  • /sites.json contains your multisite information, modify and import it as your database collection named ‘sites’ by running: mongoimport --drop -d reactcms -c sites sites.json or mongoimport -h <hostname><:port> -d reactcms -c sites -u <username> -p <password> --file sites.json
  • In the “server” directory, run npm start or nodemon to run the Express app which starts your server that can be locally access at: http://localhost:3001
  • Make sure to test your RESTful API server locally to easily diagnose if there’s any problem!

Installing front-end React application

The “client” directory contains the source code for your React app.

  • Open /client/src/config.js and configure it for your app.
  • In the “client” directory, run npm install to install its dependencies.
  • In the “client” directory, run npm start to start your ReactCMS app.

How to register the first administrator?

You need to manually modify the created user’s data in the database ‘users’ collection. Here are a few guidelines about it:

  • Register the account that you’ll going to convert as administrator.
  • A user data document contains these properties:
  username: CREATED_USER_NAME,
  role: 'subscriber',
  • You just need to $set its role from 'subscriber' to 'admin' like the following:
  username: CREATED_USER_NAME,
  role: 'admin',
  • Here are terminal commands that you may need to run if you’re hosting your mongod on your local server:
use reactcms
db.users.updateOne({ username: 'CREATED_USER_NAME' },{ $set: { role: 'admin' } })
  • If the modified account is currently signed in, sign out and re-sign in it.

Those are the things that you need, you may now post a blog using your administrator account.