
Event-driven, non-blocking I/O with PHP.

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Event-driven, non-blocking I/O with PHP.

Build Status

ReactPHP is a low-level library for event-driven programming in PHP. At its core
is an event loop, on top of which it provides low-level utilities, such as:
Streams abstraction, async DNS resolver, network client/server, HTTP
client/server and interaction with processes. Third-party libraries can use these
components to create async network clients/servers and more.


// $ composer require react/http react/socket # install example using Composer
// $ php example.php # run example on command line, requires no additional web server

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$server = new React\Http\HttpServer(function (Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request) {
    return React\Http\Message\Response::plaintext(
        "Hello World!\n"

$socket = new React\Socket\SocketServer('');

echo "Server running at" . PHP_EOL;

This simple web server written in ReactPHP responds with “Hello World!” for every request.

ReactPHP is production ready and battle-tested with millions of installations
from all kinds of projects around the world. Its event-driven architecture makes
it a perfect fit for efficient network servers and clients handling hundreds or
thousands of concurrent connections, long-running applications and many other
forms of cooperative multitasking with non-blocking I/O operations. What makes
ReactPHP special is its vivid ecosystem with hundreds of third-party libraries
allowing you to integrate with many existing systems, such as common network
services, database systems and other third-party APIs.

  • Production ready and battle-tested.
  • Rock-solid with stable long-term support (LTS) releases.
  • Requires no extensions and runs on any platform - no excuses!
  • Takes advantage of optional extensions to get better performance when available.
  • Highly recommends latest version of PHP 7+ for best performance and support.
  • Supports legacy PHP 5.3+ and HHVM for maximum compatibility.
  • Well designed and reusable components.
  • Decoupled parts so they can be replaced by alternate implementations.
  • Carefully tested (unit & functional).
  • Promotes standard PSRs where possible for maximum interoperability.
  • Aims to be technology neutral, so you can use your preferred application stack.
  • Small core team of professionals supported by large network of outside contributors.

ReactPHP is non-blocking by default. Use workers for blocking I/O.
The event loop is based on the reactor pattern (hence the name) and strongly
inspired by libraries such as EventMachine (Ruby), Twisted (Python) and
Node.js (V8).

This repository you’re currently looking at is mostly used as a meta
repository to discuss and plan all things @ReactPHP. See the individual
components linked below for more details about each component, its
documentation and source code.

Core Components

Network Components

Utility Components

Built with ReactPHP

  • Thruway
    PHP Client and Router Library for Autobahn and WAMP (Web Application Messaging
    Protocol) for Real-Time Application Messaging

  • PPM - PHP Process Manager
    PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP

  • php-ar-drone
    🚁 Port of node-ar-drone which allows user to control a Parrot AR Drone over

  • Ratchet
    Asynchronous WebSocket server

  • Predis\Async
    Asynchronous PHP client library for Redis built on top of ReactPHP

  • clue/redis-server
    A Redis server implementation in pure PHP

And many more on our wiki page »


  • Sergey Zhuk
    A series of articles covering ReactPHP: from the basics to the real
    application examples.

  • Cees-Jan Kiewiet
    Blog series about several ReactPHP components and how they work.

  • Loïc Faugeron
    Super Speed Symfony - ReactPHP.

  • Marc J. Schmidt
    Bring High Performance Into Your PHP App (with ReactPHP).

  • Marc Morera
    When ReactPHP meet Symfony


Getting started

ReactPHP consists of a set of individual components.
This means that instead of installing something like a “ReactPHP framework”, you actually
pick only the components that you need.

This project follows SemVer for all its stable components.
The recommended way to install these components is through Composer.
New to Composer?

For example, this may look something like this:

# recommended install: pick required components
composer require react/event-loop react/http

As an alternative, we also provide a meta package that will install all stable
components at once. Installing this is only recommended for quick prototyping,
as the list of stable components may change over time. This meta package can be
installed like this:

# quick protoyping only: install all stable components
composer require react/react:^1.4

For more details, check out ReactPHP’s homepage for
quickstart examples and usage details.

See also the combined changelog for all ReactPHP components
for details about version upgrades.


Do you have a question and need help with ReactPHP? Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

As a first step, check the elaborate documentation that comes with each
component (see links to individual documentation for each component above).
If you find your question is not answered within the documentation, there’s a
fair chance that it may be relevant to more people. Please do not hesitate to
file your question as an issue in the relevant component so others can also

You can also check out our official Gitter chat room.
Most of the people involved in this project are available in this chat room, so many
questions get answered in a few minutes to some hours. We also use this chat room
to announce all new releases and ongoing development efforts, so consider
staying in this chat room for a little longer.

Also follow @reactphp on Twitter for updates.
We use this mostly for noteworthy, bigger updates and to keep the community
updated about ongoing development efforts. You can always use the #reactphp
hashtag if you have anything to share!

We’re a very open project and we prefer public communication whenever possible,
so that more people can participate and help getting the best solutions available.
At the same time, we realize that some things are better addressed in private.
Whether you just want to say thank you, want to report a security issue or
want to help sponsor a certain feature development, you can reach out to the
core team in private by sending an email to [email protected]. Please keep in
mind that we’re a small team of volunteers and do our best to support anybody
reaching out.

Do you want to support ReactPHP? Awesome! Let’s start with letting the the world
know why you think ReactPHP is awesome and try to help others getting on board!
Send a tweet, write a blog post, give a talk at your local user group or
conference or even write a book. There are many ways you can help. You can
always reach out to us in private and help others in our support channels.
Thank you!


To run the test suite, you first need to clone this repo and then install all
dependencies through Composer:

composer install

To run the test suite, go to the project root and run:


The test suite also contains a number of functional integration tests that rely
on a stable internet connection. Due to the vast number of integration tests,
these are skipped by default during CI runs. If you also do not want to run these,
they can simply be skipped like this:

vendor/bin/phpunit --exclude-group internet
