
Pulls a listing of Reddit posts and then pulls the metadata (id, title, date/time, permalink, domain, url, author, score, upvote ratio, number of comments)


Pulls a listing of posts from and then checks each of those posts on reddit and pulls the current stats.

Variables to be set are as follows:

  • sub is the name of the subreddit you would like to scrape
  • after is the earliest date you would like to pull
  • before is the latest date you would like to pull
  • fast will scrape not quite twice as fast, but it will not include the value for upvote ratio

Returned values are as follows:

  • postid
  • title
  • readable date/time
  • permalink
  • domain
  • url
  • author
  • score
  • upvote ratio (returns 0 when fast is set to false)
  • number of comments