
App URL router for iOS (Swift only). Register via Swift Macro




App URL router for iOS (Swift only). Inspired by URLNavigator.

Swift 5.10 and later support @_used and @_section, allowing data to be written into sections. Combined with Swift Macros, this enables capabilities similar to various decoupling and registration information methods from the Objective-C era. This framework also supports registering routes in this manner.

Registering UIViewController

extension Route.Key {
    // Note: The variable name 'chat' must exactly match the assigned string
    static let chat: Route.Key = "chat"

class ChatViewController: UIViewController {
    static func make(with param: Route.Param) -> ChatViewController? {
        return .init()

    // ... other methods ...

class SettingViewController: UIViewController {
    static func make(with param: Route.Param) -> SettingViewController? {
        return .init()

    // ... other methods ...

Registering an action:

extension Route.Key {
    // Note: The variable name 'testKey' must exactly match the assigned string
    static let testKey: Self = "testKey"

struct Foo {
    #route(key: .testKey, action: { params in
        print("testKey triggered nested")

🟡 Currently, the @_used and @_section capabilities are still an experimental feature in Swift and need to be enabled through configuration settings. Please refer to the integration documentation for details.

Example App

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


XCode 16.0 +

iOS 13 +

Swift 5.10

swift-syntax 600.0.0



ReerRouter is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ReerRouter'

As CocoaPods does not directly support the use of Swift Macros, the macro implementation can be compiled into a binary for use. The integration method is as follows. It’s necessary to set s.pod_target_xcconfig in the components dependent on the router to load the binary plugin of the macro implementation:

s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
    'OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS' => '-enable-experimental-feature SymbolLinkageMarkers -Xfrontend -load-plugin-executable -Xfrontend ${PODS_ROOT}/ReerRouter/Sources/Resources/ReerRouterMacros#ReerRouterMacros'
  s.user_target_xcconfig = {
    'OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS' => '-enable-experimental-feature SymbolLinkageMarkers -Xfrontend -load-plugin-executable -Xfrontend ${PODS_ROOT}/ReerRouter/Sources/Resources/ReerRouterMacros#ReerRouterMacros'

Alternatively, if s.pod_target_xcconfig is not used, you can add the following script to the Podfile for unified processing:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    rhea_dependency = target.dependencies.find { |d| ['ReerRouter'].include?( }
    if rhea_dependency
      puts "Adding Rhea Swift flags to target: #{}"
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        swift_flags = config.build_settings['OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS'] ||= ['$(inherited)']
        plugin_flag = '-Xfrontend -load-plugin-executable -Xfrontend ${PODS_ROOT}/ReerRouter/Sources/Resources/ReerRouterMacros#ReerRouterMacros'
        unless swift_flags.join(' ').include?(plugin_flag)

        # Add experimental feature flag for SymbolLinkageMarkers
        symbol_linkage_flag = '-enable-experimental-feature SymbolLinkageMarkers'

        unless swift_flags.join(' ').include?(symbol_linkage_flag)

        config.build_settings['OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS'] = swift_flags

Swift Package Manager

For packages that need to depend on ReerRouter, it’s necessary to enable the Swift experimental feature:

// Package.swift
let package = Package(
    name: "APackageDependOnReerRouter",
    platforms: [.iOS(.v13)],
    products: [
        .library(name: "APackageDependOnReerRouter", targets: ["APackageDependOnReerRouter"]),
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "2.2.3")
    targets: [
            name: "APackageDependOnReerRouter",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "ReerRouter", package: "ReerRouter")
            // Add here to enable the experimental feature

In the main App Target’s Build Settings, set to enable the experimental feature:
-enable-experimental-feature SymbolLinkageMarkers
CleanShot 2024-10-12 at 20 39 59@2x

Getting Started

1. Understanding Route.Key

There are two modes of Route.Key.

Mode 1: Route.Key means URL host + path

/// myapp://
/// \______/\_________/\_________/ \__________/ \__/
///    |         |          |           |        |
///  scheme     host       path      queries   fragment
///              \_________/
///                   |
///               route key

Mode 1: Set host for router instance and use path as the Route.Key.

/// myapp://
/// \______/\_________/\_________/ \__________/ \__/
///    |         |          |           |        |
///  scheme     host       path      queries   fragment
///                         |
///                         |
///                    route key

You can configure to Mode 2 by implementing the RouterConfigable protocol:

extension Router: RouterConfigable {
    public static var host: String {
        return ""

2. Register Route

Mode 1

Now Route.Key means the combination of url host and path.

  • Register an action.
Router.shared.registerAction(with: "abc_action") { _ in
    print("action executed.")
  • Register a view controller by its type and a route key.
extension Route.Key {
    static let userPage: Self = "user"
Router.shared.register(UserViewController.self, forKey: .userPage)
Router.shared.register(UserViewController.self, forKey: "user")
  • Register view controllers by their types and route keys.
Router.shared.registerPageClasses(with: ["preference": PreferenceViewController.self])
  • Register view controllers by their type names and route keys.
Router.shared.registerPageClasses(with: ["preference": "ReerRouter_Example.PreferenceViewController"])
  • Register view controllers and actions via Swift Macro
extension Route.Key {
    static let testKey: Self = "testKey"

struct Foo {
    #route(key: .testKey, action: { params in
        print("testKey triggered nested")
extension Route.Key {
    static let chat: Route.Key = "chat"

class ChatViewController: UIViewController {
    static func make(with param: Route.Param) -> ChatViewController? {
        return .init()

    // ... other methods ...

class SettingViewController: UIViewController {
    static func make(with param: Route.Param) -> SettingViewController? {
        return .init()

    // ... other methods ...

Mode 2

Firstly, you should set host for router instance. = ""

And now Route.Key means url path, then all the register methods are same as Mode 1.
(“path”, “/path” both are supported.)

  • Implement Routable for view controller.
class UserViewController: UIViewController, Routable {
    var params: [String: Any]
    init(params: [String: Any]) {
        self.params = params
        super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    static func make(with param: Route.Param) -> UserViewController? {
        return .init(params: param.allParams)

3. Execute an route action.

Router.shared.executeAction(byKey: "abc_action")

// Mode 1."myapp://abc_action")

// Mode 2."myapp://")

4. Open a view controller.

Router.shared.present(byKey: .userPage, embedIn: UINavigationController.self, userInfo: [
    "name": "apple",
    "id": "123123"

// Mode 1."myapp://user?name=phoenix")

// Mode 2."myapp://")

5. Delegate for for the app about the route.

extension RouteManager: RouterDelegate {
    func router(_ router: Router, willOpenURL url: URL, userInfo: [String : Any]) -> URL? {
        print("will open \(url)")
        if let _ = url.absoluteString.range(of: "google") {
            return URL(string: url.absoluteString + "&extra1=234244&extra2=afsfafasd")
        } else if let _ = url.absoluteString.range(of: "bytedance"), !isUserLoggedIn() {
            print("intercepted by delegate")
            return nil
        return url

    func router(_ router: Router, didOpenURL url: URL, userInfo: [String : Any]) {
        print("did open \(url) success")
    func router(_ router: Router, didFailToOpenURL url: URL, userInfo: [String : Any]) {
        print("did fail to open \(url)")
    func router(_ router: Router, didFallbackToURL url: URL, userInfo: [String: Any]) {
        print("did fallback to \(url)")

6. Fallback

  • Use route_fallback_url key as a fallback url when some thing went wrong."myapp://unregisteredKey?route_fallback_url=myapp%3A%2F%2Fuser%3Fname%3Di_am_fallback")

7. Redirect

  • Implement redirectURLWithRouteParam(_:) method to redirect to a new url for the view controller.
class PreferenceViewController: UIViewController, Routable {
    static func make(with param: Route.Param) -> PreferenceViewController? {
        return .init()
    class func redirectURLWithRouteParam(_ param: Route.Param) -> URL? {
        if let value = param.allParams["some_key"] as? String, value == "redirect" {
            return URL(string: "myapp://new_preference")
        return nil

8. Global instance for the router singleton.

public let AppRouter = Router.shared"myapp://user")

9. Notifications when will open and did open.

    forName: Notification.Name.routeWillOpenURL,
    object: nil,
    queue: .main
) { notification in
    if let param = notification.userInfo?[Route.notificationUserInfoKey] as? Route.Param {
        print("notification: route will open \(param.sourceURL)")

    forName: Notification.Name.routeDidOpenURL,
    object: nil,
    queue: .main
) { notification in
    if let param = notification.userInfo?[Route.notificationUserInfoKey] as? Route.Param {
        print("notification: route did open \(param.sourceURL)")

10. Custom controlling for transition.

public typealias UserTransition = (
    _ fromNavigationController: UINavigationController?,
    _ fromViewController: UIViewController?,
    _ toViewController: UIViewController
) -> Bool

public enum TransitionExecutor {
    /// Transition will be handled by router automatically.
    case router
    /// Transition will be handled by user who invoke the router `push` or `present` method.
    case user(UserTransition)
    /// Transition will be handled by user who invoke the router `push` or `present` method.
    case delegate

let transition: Route.UserTransition = { fromNavigationController, fromViewController, toViewController in
    toViewController.transitioningDelegate = self.animator
    toViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .currentContext
    // Use the router found view controller directly, or just handle transition by yourself.
    // fromViewController?.present(toViewController, animated: true)
    self.present(toViewController, animated: true)
    return true
AppRouter.present(user.urlString, transitionExecutor: .user(transition))

11. Open style for UIViewController.

The priority levels on which the way router opens the controller depend are as follows:

`Router` instance property `preferredOpenStyle` <
  `Routable` property `preferredOpenStyle` that UIViewController implemented <
    The method you called. If you called `Router.push(...)`, the view controller will be pushed.

12. Forbidden transition animation.

  • Use route_no_animation key to forbidden animation."myapp://user?name=google&route_no_animation=1")

13. Intercept by external.

Intercept a route in some special scenarios, return false means to intercept the url.

Router.shared.addInterceptor(forKey: .userPage) { (_) -> Bool in
    print("intercepted user page")
    return true

Router.shared.addInterceptor(forKey: .userPage) { (params) -> Bool in
    print("intercepted user page")
    if let name = params.allParams["name"] as? String, name == "google" {
        print("intercepted user page success")
        return false
    return true

14. Customize the timing to retrieve routes registered in the section

extension Router: RouterConfigable {
    // This configuration disables automatic retrieval
    public static var registrationMode: RegistrationMode { return .manual }
// Then call at an appropriate time


phoenix, [email protected]


ReerRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.