R Package for Reproducible Research in Psychology
R Function for Reproducible Research in Psychology
Following a Bazaar style of development, repsych will soon be pushed to CRAN (really). This bleeding edge development version is usually going to be preferable. You can access this version using the install_github function inside of devtools
(details below). If you rely on some ‘broken’ functionality, you can always grab the source from the right version here (or hold onto it yourself with packrat).
After you complete the steps below you can use the following code to update to the current version:
If you want to only temporarily update set dev_mode TRUE first…
#stuff you want to do here
Install the devtools library install.packages('devtools')
. Using type=‘source’ may result in not needing Rtools (your milage may vary).Not all code is in here is mine. Not all code in here works.
Suggestions accepted.
This package is distributed in the interest of information exchange.
The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this package are those of the authors and not necessarily
those of employers, significant others, friends, or pets. Use at your own risk.
No party assumes liability for its contents or use thereof.
If trade or manufacturers’ names or products are mentioned,
it is because they are considered essential to the object of the package and
should not be construed as an endorsement.
Communications made through this website in no way constitute legal or official
notice or comment to any individual or organization for any purpose.
This is a list of functions that duplicate things repsych
might otherwise do.