
A wonderfully simple way to load Ruby code



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A wonderfully simple way to load your code.

Tired of futzing around with require statements everywhere, littering your code
with require File.dirname(__FILE__) crap? What if you could just
point something at a big directory full of code and have everything just
automagically load?

Wouldn’t that be nice? Well, now you can!


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'require_all'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install require_all


require 'require_all'

# load all ruby files in the directory "lib" and its subdirectories
require_all 'lib'

# or load all files by using glob
require_all 'lib/**/*.rb'

# or load files in an Array
require_all Dir.glob("blah/**/*.rb").reject { |f| stupid_file? f }

# or load manually specified files
require_all 'lib/a.rb', 'lib/b.rb', 'lib/c.rb', 'lib/d.rb'

You can also load files relative to the current file by using require_rel:

# Instead of
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/foobar'

# you can do simply like this
require_rel 'foobar'

You can give all the same argument types to the require_rel as for require_all.

It is recommended to use require_rel instead of require_all since it will require files relatively
to the current file (__FILE__) as opposed to loading files relative from the working directory.

load_all and load_rel methods also exist to use Kernel#load instead of Kernel#require!

Files are required in alphabetical order and if there are files in nested directories, they are
required depth-first. If a NameError caused by a reference to an uninitialised constant is
encountered during the requiring process, then a RequireAll::LoadError will be thrown,
indicating the file that needs the dependency adding to.


This library also includes methods for performing autoload - what a bargain!

Similar syntax is used as for require_(all|rel) and load_(all|rel) methods with some caveats:

  • Directory and file names have to reflect namespaces and/or constant names:
# lib/dir1/dir2/my_file.rb
module Dir1
  module Dir2
    class MyFile

# lib/loader.rb
autoload_all File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/dir1"
  • A base_dir option has to be specified if loading directories or files from some other location
    than top-level directory:
# lib/dir1/other_file.rb
autoload_all File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/dir2/my_file.rb",
             base_dir: File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../dir1"
  • All namespaces will be created dynamically by autoload_all - this means that defined?(Dir1) will
    return "constant" even if my_file.rb is not yet loaded!

Of course there’s also an autoload_rel method:

autoload_rel "dir2/my_file.rb", base_dir: File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../dir1"

If having some problems with autoload_all or autoload_rel then set $DEBUG=true to see how files
are mapped to their respective modules and classes.

Version compatibility and upgrading

As of version 2, RequireAll will raise a RequireAll::LoadError if it encounters a NameError
caused by a reference to an uninitialised constant during the requiring process. As such, it is not
backwards compatible with version 1.x, but simple to upgrade by adding any requires to load
dependencies in files that need them. See CHANGES for more details.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

You can reach the author on github or by email [email protected]


MIT (see the LICENSE file for details)