ruby basics

This repository consist of basic code of ruby. Ruby is probably most famous for its use in web development, it has many other uses, too. Some of these include automation, command-line tools, static site generation, DevOps, web scraping, and data processing.


Ruby basics

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Ruby is probably most famous for its use in web development, it has many other uses, too. Some of these include automation, command-line tools, static site generation, DevOps, web scraping, and data processing.


These examples are made in Ruby 2.5.1. It is recommended to install this exactly version for a correct running.


Day Title
001 Data Types
002 Conditions: if & else
003 Strings I: Interpolate & Concatenate
004 Strings II: Functions and formatting
005 Symbols
006 Ruby Dictionaries with Hash
007 Arrays
008 Creating Methods
009 Classes I: Constructor and Accessors
010 Classes II:
011 Classes III: Class variables and Methods
012 Blocks: Like methods, but without a name
013 While and similar loops
014 For, similar loops and Hash iterations
015 Arguments
016 String Encryption and Base64 converter
017 Keeping only unique stuff with Set
018 Pure vs. Imperative: The symbol “!”
019 File API I: Writing and reading files
020 File API II: Some Utilities
021 Object serialization to YAML format
022 Using Mixins as Namespaces
023 Using Mixins as Inheritance Alternative
024 Including Mixins within existing objects
025 Creating a library for multiplication of two library
026 DSA Bucket sort
027 DSA Heap sort
028 DSA Shell sort
029 Account handling (Create, delete, verify) I: Arrays
030 Server: basic login server
031 2D Arrays: Inverse Matrics
032 Dijkstra’s Algorithm
033 Quicksort Algorithm
034 Caesar cipher
035 Fibonacci sequence
036 Ruby web request lib

