ruby deduckt

Load type info from ruby code


Through the powers of deductive interpretation, Deduckt will obtain the precise
call graph of your Ruby programs and the type signatures of all executed functions.
Created for the goals of ruby2nim.


$ gem install deduckt

How to Use

ruby-deduckt works as a drop-in replacement for the Ruby interpreter. To obtain the full type information about a particular program, execute it like this:

$ ruby-deduckt program.rb [args]




  bundle config local.deduckt .
  bundle exec deduckt/ruby-deduckt


  • Why does it analyze all the events?

In the future, we might add an option to trace only a statistically significant portion of the events. We don’t consider this a priority for our use case (ruby2nim) because a porting task is not something that would be ran often and better type information is more important than speed.

  • How to pronounce deduckt?

Like the first part of “deductive”, or like getting rid of the duck types in your backyard.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.