
Comprehensive changelog of Ruby Programming Language


The Ruby Changes

This site is dedicated to history of Ruby language evolution. Basically, it is just the same information that each Ruby version’s NEWS file contains, just in more readable and informative manner.

The rendered version of the site.


Also duplicated on Contributing page of teh site.

The repo gladly accepts contributions!

Things you need to know, as of now:

  • The source is in _src/<version>.md;
  • To “compile” the final Jekyll site, you need to run rake in the main folder, or separate tasks (visible with rake -T):
    • bundle exec rake toc (create TOC in _data/book.yml)
    • bundle exec rake contents (postprocesses ./_src/<version>.md./<version>.md adding some nicer formatting not available in pure Markdown);
  • Now you can run jekyll serve to preview the site locally.

The main things to do, currently:

  • Proofread existing content;
  • Add previous versions of Ruby.

Credits and licenses

  • The source of information is NEWS files from Ruby repository.
  • Book theme is initially borrowed from mdBook project.
  • The work in this repository (text, scripts and custom additions to design) is made by Victor Shepelev and should be considered Public Domain.