- Reactive Extension Library for Android to download files
This library provides a simple api to download files and handle data stream in a reactive way
if you liked this library you can buy me a coffe :
// Create one instance
RxDownloader rxDownloader = new RxDownloader
.addFile("http://reactivex.io/assets/Rx_Logo_S.png") // you can add more urls
// Subscribe to start downloading files
.subscribe(new BiConsumer<List<FileContainer>, Throwable>() {
public void accept(List<FileContainer> fileContainers, Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
// Do awesome things with your files
There is 5 Events you can use in this library:
* `doOnStart` : This event will be called before start downloading files.
* `doOnProgress` : This event will publish the current progress each time a file downloaded.
* `doOnEachSingleError` : Event called each time a file failed to download.
* `doOnCompleteWithError` : Event called when finish all the downloads and some of the files failed to download.
* `doOnCompleteWithSuccess` : Event called when finish downloading all the files successfully.
RxDownloader rxDownloader = new RxDownloader
.doOnStart(() -> {
txtProgress.setText("About to start downloading");
.doOnProgress(progress -> {
multiline.append("\n Progress " + progress);
txtProgress.setText("Progress: " + progress + "%");
.doOnEachSingleError(throwable -> {
multiline.append("\n " + throwable.getMessage());
.doOnCompleteWithError(() -> {
txtProgress.setText("Download finished with error");
.doOnCompleteWithSuccess(() -> {
txtProgress.setText("Download finished successfully");
OkHttpClient ok = new OkHttpClient.Builder().connectTimeout(6,TimeUnit.SECONDS).build();
new RxDownloader
Customize Directory to save your files
By default files will be saved in cache directory.
You can just customize the directory by calling : storage(File storagePath)
Building list of urls methods:
addFile(String url)
: add url directly to list of urls without renaming the downloaded file.addFile(String newName, String url)
: add url to list and renaming the file to newName, Ps: No need to write the file extension.addFiles(List<String> urls)
: add a bulk of URL’s.-MAX Strategy: will try to download all the files in case of errors it's will continue till the end.
new RxDownloader
-ALL Strategy: will try to download all the files but if it encountered an error it's will stop immediately.
new RxDownloader
Sometimes you want your files to be in a certain order, for that you can achieve that by calling the Order
Method in Builder
this way:
* By default the downloader is using `FLAG_PARALLEL` to achieve more speed and performance
You can find the tests inside the sample project in RxTest Class, Here is some examples (Using Robolectric).
rxDownloader = builder
.addFile("http://fakeURL.com/error-file.jpg") // this will trigger an error
TestObserver<List<FileContainer>> testObserver = rxDownloader.asList().test();
.assertValue(l -> l.size() == 3);
rxDownloader = builder
.addFile("http://fakeURL.com/error-file2.jpg") // this will trigger an error
TestObserver<List<FileContainer>> testObserver = rxDownloader.asList().test();
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.oussaki:RxDownloader:0.3'
Copyright 2016 Oussama Abdallah
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.