
E-commerce for Python


Satchless: less is mo’

Note: Satchless is no longer actively developed or supported. Use at your own risk!

Satchless is a low-level library that provides base classes, interfaces and patterns to work with while implementing a store. Its goal is to provide you with well-tested core logic to build business logic and UIs upon.

Satchless is not a framework and it will not give you a full-fledged store to work with. If that is what you want and you’re working with Django, check the Saleor project instead.

Commercial support

Disclaimer: everything you see here is open and free to use as long as you comply with the license. It is not a bait to force you to pay us later and we promise to do our bests to fix bugs and improve the code.

Some situations however call for extra code being written. Whether you need us to cover an exotic use case or build you a custom e-commerce appliance, our team can help.

Mirumee Software
[email protected]