utilities for Windows cmd.exe
Several of these scripts rely on external utilites. I highly recommend these tools if you are working regularly on the Windows command line.
Interactive process viewer/killer.
uses the tasklist
command to generate a list of processes. Use the function keys to kill processes.
requires: [fzf, fd]
Interactive scoop browser. Fuzzy search, install and uninstall scoop apps. update
runs scoop update *
and updates the scoopfz database.
Press ctrl-u
to update the app list.
requires: [scoop, fzf, Ruby]
termgraph - simple graphs for your terminal. More.
Inspired by https://github.com/mkaz/termgraph
requires: [Ruby]
Download and unzip the latest Blender alpha. Also create a cli command blender-alpha
. Manually configure the file to customize the location of blender and the command.
requires: [Ruby, unzip, curl]
Weather Forcast.
Fetch the weeks weather forecast from weather.gov. For now you’ll need to edit the file for your location. Check the weather.gov API for more information.
requires: [Ruby, your tax dollars]
fuzzy change directory.
Interactive fuzzy search and change directory starting at the current directory.
requires: [fzf, fd]
> cd_ [directory]
Change to %USERPROFILE% and optionally [directory]
cd- [count = 1] [directory]
Go up 1 or optionally [count] directories. cd to [directory] if given. [count] is not optional if using [directory]
Find recent files. Defaults to 1 day and a max-depth of 2. Example durations: 2weeks, 20min, 3d, 1month, 4days, 30sec
> frf [duration = 1d] [depth = 2]
requires: [fd]
Open duckduckgo.com in your default browser with the search terms.
> duck some search terms
requires: [Ruby]
> google some search terms
Open google.com in your default browser with the search terms.
requires: [Ruby]