scuff em

A comprehensive and full-featured computational physics suite for boundary-element analysis of electromagnetic scattering, fluctuation-induced phenomena (Casimir forces and radiative heat transfer), nanophotonics, RF device engineering, electrostatics, and more. Includes a core library with C++ and python APIs as well as many command-line applications.


SCUFF-EM is a free open-source software suite for boundary-element
analysis of problems in computational electromagnetism and related

SCUFF-EM stands for

Surface-CUrrent-Field Formulation of ElectroMagnetism

For documentation and further information on SCUFF-EM, and to
download binary and source packages, visit the SCUFF-EM homepage:

There is also an earlier version of the SCUFF-EM
website here:

The SCUFF-EM distribution includes the following components:

– libscuff, a C++ library that implements the basic boundary-element
solver functionality

– a number of ancillary C++ libraries implementing utility functions

– a collection of standalone application programs, built atop
libscuff and its associated libraries, for solving specialized
problems in computational electromagnetism and related fields.

– a collection of simple C++ code examples demonstrating how to use
the libscuff API

The standalone application programs distributed with SCUFF-EM
include the following:

– scuff-scatter: A comprehensive tool for computing the fields
scattered from arbitrary geometries irradiated
by arbitrary user-specified incident fields

– scuff-RF: A tool for analyzing passive RF and microwave
devices: RF antennas, coaxial cables, MRI coils,
lumped-element passives, etc.
scuff-RF can compute

– scuff-cas2D
– scuff-cas3D
– scuff-caspol: Tools for computing Casimir forces between 2D and
3D objects of arbitrary geometries and material
properties, as well as Casimir-Polder potentials for
polarizable molecules in the vicinity of complex
material surfaces.

– scuff-neq A tool for modeling non-equilibrium fluctuation-induced
electromagnetic phelomena such as radiative heat transfer,
thermal self-propulsion and self-rotation, and
non-equilibrium Casimir forces.

– scuff-static A tool for computational electrostatics: Capacitance
matrices of conductor arrays, solutions of Laplace’s
equation in the presence of dielectrics and conductors
held at fixed potentials, etc.

Organization of the SCUFF-EM repository:

libs source code for libscuff and support libraries
applications source code for command-line application programs
examples tutorial examples
tests validation test suite
tex technical memos (math theory, etc.) in LaTeX format
doc documentation for command-line codes in markdown format