Search Plugin for CakePHP
This Search plugin enables developers to quickly implement the POST-Redirect-GET pattern.
The Search plugin is an easy way to implement PRG in your application, and provides you with a paginate-able search in any controller. It supports simple methods to search inside models using strict and non-strict comparing, but also allows you to implement any complex type of searching.
As mentioned before, this plugin helps you to implement searching for data using the PRG pattern. It is not in any way a search engine implementation or search index builder, although it can be used to search an index such as Elastic Search or Sphinx.
For documentation, as well as tutorials, see the Docs directory of this repository.
For bugs and feature requests, please use the issues section of this repository.
Commercial support is also available, contact us for more information.
This repository follows the CakeDC Plugin Standard. If you’d like to contribute new features, enhancements or bug fixes to the plugin, please read our Contribution Guidelines for detailed instructions.
Copyright 2007-2014 Cake Development Corporation (CakeDC). All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License. Redistributions of the source code included in this repository must retain the copyright notice found in each file.