This script was made to aid the process of migrating PHP and MySQL based websites. Works with most common CMSes.
This script was made to aid the process of migrating PHP and MySQL
based websites. Works with most common CMSes.
If you find a problem let us know in the issues area and if you can
improve the code then please fork the repository and send us a pull
request 😃
Adapted to work with a broader range of PHP versions - warnings in PHP 8.x versions should be gone now.
We can’t test every possible case, though we do our best. Backups and
verifications are important.
You use this script at your own risk and we have no responsibility for
any problems it may cause.
There are many edge cases and WordPress plugins that likes to mess
your database, we don’t have a silver bullet.
The license for this software is GPL v3, please bear this in mind if
contributing or branching.
Do backups, also do backups and finally do backups!
Do a safe test run
button to do a dry run without searching/replacing.To install the script, please place the files inside your sites public folder and head to yoursiteURL/Search-Replace-DB
To invoke the script, navigate in your shell to the directory to where
you installed Search Replace DB.
Type php srdb.cli.php
to run the program. Type php srdb.cli.php --help
for usage information:
-h, --host
Required. The hostname of the database server.
-n, --name
Required. Database name.
-u, --user
Required. Database user.
-p, --pass
Database user's password.
-P, --port
Optional. Port on database server to connect to. The default is
3306. (MySQL default port).
-s, --search
String to search for or `preg_replace()` style regular
-r, --replace
None empty string to replace search with or `preg_replace()`
style replacement.
-t, --tables
If set only runs the script on the specified table, comma
separate for multiple values.
-w, --exclude-tables
If set excluded the specified tables, comma separate for multuple
-i, --include-cols
If set only runs the script on the specified columns, comma
separate for multiple values.
-x, --exclude-cols
If set excludes the specified columns, comma separate for
multiple values.
-g, --regex [no value]
Treats value for -s or --search as a regular expression and -r or
--replace as a regular expression replacement.
-l, --pagesize
How rows to fetch at a time from a table.
-z, --dry-run [no value]
Prevents any updates happening so you can preview the number of
changes to be made
-e, --alter-engine
Changes the database table to the specified database engine eg.
InnoDB or MyISAM. If specified search/replace arguments are
ignored. They will not be run simultaneously.
-a, --alter-collation
Changes the database table to the specified collation eg.
utf8_unicode_ci. If specified search/replace arguments are
ignored. They will not be run simultaneously.
-v, --verbose [true|false]
Defaults to true, can be set to false to run script silently.
--debug [true|false]
Defaults to false, prints more verbose errors.
Define the path to the SSL KEY file.
Define the path to the SSL certificate file.
Define the path to the certificate authority file.
Define the path to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA
certificates in PEM format.
Define the cipher to use for SSL.
--ssl-check [true|false]
Check the SSL certificate, default to True.
--allow-old-php [true|false]
Suppress the check for PHP version, use it at your own risk!
Displays this help message ;)
php srdb.cli.php -h dbhost -n dbname -u root -p "" -s "" -r ""
php srdb.cli.php -h dbhost -n dbname -u root -p "password" -s "" -r ""
php srdb.cli.php -h dbhost -n dbname -u root -p "password" -s "search" -r "replace"
It’s time to use your backups!
This happens occasionally and could be for a couple of reasons:
When the script starts, it attempts to start your WordPress or
Drupal installation to auto-detect your username and password
settings. If this fails, you will see a message informing you that
auto-detection failed. You will have to enter your details
Script was unable to set the timeout so PHP closed the connection
before the table could be processed, this can happen on some server
You can view the source code and submit a pull request using GitHub,
the project’s page is located at:
We appreciate a small unittest among the code, please explain what
you are is trying to solve.
This file is part of Search-Replace-DB.
Search-Replace-DB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or any later version.
Search-Replace-DB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Search-Replace-DB.
If not, see