semana javascript expert06

JS Expert Week 6.0 Classes - Spotify Radio


Spotify Radio - JS Expert Week 6.0

Welcome to the sixth Javascript Expert Week. This is the starting code to start our journey.

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Checklist Features

  • Web API

    • [ ] Must achieve 100% code coverage in tests
    • [ ] Must have end to end tests validating all API routes
    • [ ] Must deliver static files as Node.js Streams
    • [ ] Must deliver music files as a Node.js Stream
    • [ ] Given a disconnected user it should not break the API
    • [ ] Even if multiple commands are fired at the same time, it should not break the API
    • [ ] If an unexpected error occurs, the API should keep working
    • [ ] The project needs to run on Linux, Mac and Windows environments
  • Web App

    • Client
      • [ ] Must play the broadcast
      • [ ] Shouldn’t pause if any effects are added
    • Controller
      • [ ] Must achieve 100% code coverage in tests
      • [ ] Must be able to start or stop a broadcast
      • [ ] Must send commands to add audio effects to a stream

Tasks per class

  • Lesson 01: Cover service and route layers with unit tests and achieve 100% code coverage
  • Lesson 02: Maintain 100% code coverage and implement e2e tests for the entire API
  • Lesson 03: implement unit tests for the frontend and maintain 100% code coverage
  • PLUS:
    • [ ] provide a new effect
      • [ ] add a new button on the controller
      • [ ] add a new effect sound to the audios/fx/ folder
      • [ ] repost on heroku

Source code for classes and solving challenges

Credits to the sources I’ve used on the demos




  • NODE_OPTIONS is not a system recognized command, what to do?

    • If you are on Windows, the way to create environment variables is different. You must use the word set before the command.
    • Ex: "test": "set NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules && npx jest --runInBand",
  • I ran npm test but nothing happens, what to do?

    • Check your Node.js version. We are using version 17. Go to node.js website and download the latest version.
  • jest.spyOn - when we try to use (something like, it says the instance is undefined

    • In this case, use the value as a string: jest.spyOn(stream, "pipe").mockReturnValue
  • Challenge 01 impossible to complete 100% code coverage because testUtil.js is not being fully used

    • Add the following code snippet to the first line of the testUtil.js file: /* istanbul ignore file */ . This will make jest ignore this file and complete 100%.
    • Important: this change will only serve to complete this first and/or second challenge, in the last class, we will not need to ignore this file since we will use all the functions