
Semantically valid ActionView form builder




To install, simply add a clone of the git repository to the vendor/plugins directory

$ cd /path/to/rails/app
$ git clone git:// vendor/plugins/semantic_form_builder


This plugin is a standardized form builder which works to create semantically correct forms, each field with the
appropriate label and wrapped within a definition list item in order to represent a list of items using proper xhtml markup.
Works with Rails 1.X as well as 2.X, including 2.2.2

The tags allowed are as follows:

  • fieldset(name:string, &block) - wraps the rest of the form items in a definition list
  • text_field (attribute:symbol, options_hash:hash)
  • password_field (attribute:symbol, options_hash:hash)
  • file_field (attribute:symbol, options_hash:hash)
  • text_area (attribute:symbol, options_hash:hash)
  • check_box (attribute:symbol, options_hash:hash)
  • radio_buttons (attribute:symbol, options_hash:hash)
  • submit_button (label:string) - create a submit button in a definition item
  • image_submit_button (src:string) - create an image submit button in a definition item

These methods can be used within the context of a form builder or within any form as simple helper tags:

  • semantic_form_for [ model-backed forms ]
  • semantic_remote_form_for [ remote model-backed forms ]
  • semantic_fields_for [ model-backed fields ]
  • semantic_fieldset_tag [ non-model-backed forms ]


This form builder is rather easy to use as the example illustrates:

  • semantic_form_for :user, :url => users_path do |f|
    • f.fieldset ‘Register’ do
      = f.text_field :login, :label => ‘Login’
      = f.text_field :email, :label => ‘Email’
      = f.password_field :password, :label => ‘Password’
      = f.password_field :password_confirmation, :label => ‘Password Confirmation’
      = f.submit_button ‘Sign up’

which generates the following semantically valid markup:

    <dt><label for="user_email">Email:</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="text" size="30" name="user[email]" id="user_email"/></dd>

    <dt><label for="user_password">Password:</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="password" size="30" name="user[password]" id="user_password"/></dd>

    <dt><label for="user_password_confirmation">Password Confirmation:</label></dt>
    <dd><input type="password" size="30" name="user[password_confirmation]" id="user_password_confirmation"/></dd>

    <dt class="button"/>
    <dd class="button"><input type="submit" value="Sign up" name="commit"/></dd>

Other Examples

Non-Model Backed Form

  • form_tag some_url do
    • semantic_fieldset_tag “Name” do |f|
      = f.text_field_tag :username, :label => “Username”
      = f.password_field_tag :password, :label => “Password”
      = f.check_box_tag :is_admin, :label => “Administrator?”
      = f.select_tag :category, @option_values
      = f.submit_tag “Submit”

Remote Model Backed Form

  • semantic_remote_form_for :user, :url => register_url do |u|
    • u.fieldset do
      = u.text_field “login”
      = u.password_field “password”
      = u.text_field “email”
      = u.text_field “mobile_number”, :label => “Mobile No”
      = u.password_field “invite_code”, :label => ‘Invite’
      = u.submit_button

Copyright © 2008 Nathan Esquenazi, released under the MIT license