Run Node.js web applications and APIs using existing application frameworks on AWS #serverless technologies such as Lambda, API Gateway, Lambda@Edge, and ALB.
On 11/30, the AWS Serverless Express library is moving to Vendia and will be rebranded to @vendia/serverless-express
. Similarly, the aws-serverless-express
NPM package will be deprecated in favor of @vendia/serverless-express.
Brett, the original creator of the Serverless Express library, will continue maintaining the repository and give it the attention and care it deserves. At the same time, we will be looking for additional contributors to participate in the development and stewardship of the Serverless Express library. AWS and the SAM team will remain involved in an administrative role alongside Vendia, Brett, and the new maintainers that will join the project.
We believe this is the best course of action to ensure that customers using this library get the best possible support in the future. To learn more about this move or become a maintainer of the new Serverless Express library, reach out to us through a GitHub issue on this repository.
The AWS Serverless team, Brett & the Vendia team
Run serverless applications and REST APIs using your existing Node.js application framework, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. The sample provided allows you to easily build serverless web applications/services and RESTful APIs using the Express framework.
npm install @vendia/serverless-express
// lambda.js
'use strict'
const serverlessExpress = require('@vendia/serverless-express')
const app = require('./app')
const server = serverlessExpress.createServer(app)
exports.handler = (event, context) => { serverlessExpress.proxy(server, event, context) }
Package and create your Lambda function, then configure a simple proxy API using Amazon API Gateway and integrate it with your Lambda function.
Want to get up and running quickly? Check out our basic starter example which includes:
This package includes middleware to easily get the event object Lambda receives from API Gateway
const serverlessExpressMiddleware = require('@vendia/serverless-express/middleware')
app.get('/', (req, res) => {