service management

A robust and versatile library for managing services in PHP applications, featuring automatic dependency injection, flexible service lifetimes, interface binding, and namespace-based service registration. Streamline your service management with a clear separation of service registration and access.


CommonPHP - Service Manager

CommonPHP’s Service Manager is a comprehensive solution for managing and injecting services throughout your PHP application. It provides an elegant and powerful API that allows you to manage service life-cycles, register and retrieve services, and work with service providers, amongst other capabilities.


  • Automatic dependency injection
  • Singleton and transient service lifetimes
  • Aliasing and interface binding
  • Namespace-based service registration
  • Custom service providers
  • Bootstrapping interface for services and service providers requiring extra instantiation steps

ServiceManager vs ServiceContainer

To keep the management and utilization of services logically separated and maintain a clean architecture, we’ve divided these responsibilities into two main classes: ServiceManager and ServiceContainer.

The ServiceManager is responsible for the registration, instantiation, and general management of services. It serves as the hub where services are defined, dependencies are resolved, and lifetimes are managed. It is meant to be utilized during the bootstrapping or startup phase of your application.

Conversely, the ServiceContainer is designed to be a consumer of these services during the application’s execution. It provides a simplified, read-only interface for accessing services managed by the ServiceManager. This approach allows for an explicit and clear distinction between service configuration and consumption, fostering cleaner, more maintainable code.


The CommonPHP framework requires PHP 8.1 or newer. This library specifically has the following dependencies:

  • comphp/di package: This library is built upon the comphp/di dependency injection package, and it is a necessary requirement for the functioning of this Service Management library.


You can install CommonPHP\ServiceManagement using Composer:

composer require comphp/service-management

Basic Usage

The primary class of the Service Manager is CommonPHP\ServiceManager\ServiceManager. Start by creating a new instance of ServiceManager:

$services = new CommonPHP\ServiceManager\ServiceManager();

The ServiceManager instance provides several methods for managing and retrieving services.

Registering Services

You can register services using the register method:


This registers the service by its class name. You can then retrieve instances of the service using the get method (see below).

Retrieving Services

Use the get method to retrieve services:

$instance = $services->get(MyClass::class);

This retrieves a new instance of the registered service.

Registering Aliases

The aliases property of the ServiceManager is an instance of AliasRegistry which lets you register service aliases:

$services->aliases->register(MyInterface::class, MyClass::class);

In this example, the MyInterface is aliased to the MyClass. Therefore, when a service requests MyInterface, an instance of MyClass is returned.

Registering Namespaces

The namespaces property of the ServiceManager is an instance of NamespaceRegistry which lets you register entire namespaces:


All classes in the registered namespace are treated as services.

Registering Service Providers

The providers property of the ServiceManager is an instance of ProviderRegistry which lets you register service providers:


Service providers are classes that implement the ServiceProviderContract and are responsible for providing instances of services.

Bootstrapping Services

Services that require certain actions upon instantiation that cannot be handled by the constructor alone can implement the BootstrapperContract. When such a service is instantiated by the ServiceManager, its bootstrap method is automatically called:

class MyService implements BootstrapperContract
    public function bootstrap(ServiceManager $serviceManager): void
        // Bootstrap logic goes here

$instance = $services->get(MyService::class); // MyService's bootstrap method will be called

Bootstrapping Service Providers

Similarly, service providers that need to perform certain actions upon instantiation can also implement the BootstrapperContract. Their bootstrap method will be automatically called when they are instantiated:

class MyServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderContract, BootstrapperContract
    public function bootstrap(ServiceManager $serviceManager): void
        // Bootstrap logic goes here

    // Implement other methods from ServiceProviderContract...

$services->providers->registerProvider(MyServiceProvider::class); // MyServiceProvider's bootstrap method will be called

In both examples, the bootstrap method is intended to be invoked internally by the ServiceManager and should not be manually called to prevent unexpected behavior.


Please see the examples directory for more detailed examples on how to use each of the features provided by the Service Manager.

API Reference

API Reference

This is a high-level overview of the API. For detailed information about classes, methods, and properties, please refer to the source code and accompanying PHPDoc comments.

  • CommonPHP\ServiceManagement\ServiceManager: The main service management class, providing access to all service management features.

    • AliasRegistry $aliases: Registry for service aliases. Allows services to be retrieved by alternate names.

    • NamespaceRegistry $namespaces: Registry for service namespaces. Allows services to be retrieved by namespace.

    • ProviderRegistry $providers: Registry for service providers. Allows services to be retrieved by provider.

    • ServiceContainer $di: Dependency injection container for services.

    • register(string $class, array $params = []): void: Registers a service by class name with optional parameters.

    • set(string $name, object $instance): void: Stores a named instance in the service container.

    • get(string $name, array $params = []): object: Retrieves an instance of a service.

    • has(string $name): bool: Checks if a service is registered or not.

  • CommonPHP\ServiceManagement\ServiceContainer: Class for dependency injection container, allowing services to retrieve other services.

    • get(string $name, array $params = []): object: Retrieves an instance of a service.

    • has(string $name): bool: Checks if a service is available in the container.

  • CommonPHP\ServiceManagement\Contracts\ServiceProviderContract: Interface for creating custom service providers.

    • supports(string $className): bool: Checks if this provider can support the given class.

    • handle(string $className, array $parameters = []): object: Handles the creation of an instance of the supported class.

    • isSingletonExpected(string $className): bool: Checks if the service is expected to be a singleton or not.

  • CommonPHP\ServiceManagement\Support\AliasRegistry: Class for managing service aliases.

    • has(string $alias): bool: Checks if an alias is registered.

    • get(string $alias): string: Retrieves the class name associated with the alias.

    • register(string $alias, string $class): void: Registers a new alias.

  • CommonPHP\ServiceManagement\Support\NamespaceRegistry: Class for managing service namespaces.

    • matches(string $className): bool: Checks if a class name matches the registered namespace.

    • register(string $namespace): void: Registers a new namespace.

  • CommonPHP\ServiceManagement\Support\ProviderRegistry: Class for managing service providers.

    • registerProvider(string $providerClass): void: Registers a new service provider.

    • hasProvider(string $providerClass): bool: Checks if a service provider is registered.

    • getProvider(string $providerClass): ServiceProviderContract: Retrieves an instance of a registered service provider.

    • getProviderFor(string $className): ServiceProviderContract: Retrieves a service provider that supports the given class.

    • supports(string $className): bool: Checks if a provider supports a specific class.

    • get(string $className, array $parameters = []): object: Retrieves an instance of a service from a provider.

  • CommonPHP\ServiceManagement\Contracts\BootstrapperContract: Interface for services requiring extra instantiation steps.

    • bootstrap(ServiceManager $serviceManager): void: ecutes the necessary bootstrap actions for the service. This method is intended to be invoked internally by the Service Manager only.


Here are some examples of using CommonPHP\ServiceManager. You can find the full source code for these examples in the examples directory of this repository.

  • Alias Registry: Demonstrates how to use the alias registry to create an alias of a service (see examples/aliases.php).

  • Namespace Registry: Demonstrates how to use the namespace registry to register a namespace, so all classes within that namespace are treated as services (see examples/namespaces.php).

  • Service Container: Demonstrates how to pass a service container to services, providing them with a way to request other services (see examples/service-container.php).

  • Service Providers: Demonstrates how to create and register a custom service provider for providing instances of a service (see examples/service-providers.php).

  • Bootstrapping Services: Demonstrates how to create and use services that implement the BootstrapperContract (see examples/bootstrapping.php).


Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.


This project uses PHPUnit for unit testing. Follow the instructions below to run the tests:

  1. Ensure you have PHPUnit installed. If not, you can install it with Composer:

    composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit
  2. Navigate to the project’s root directory.

  3. Run the tests using the following command:

    ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests
  4. If the tests are successful, you will see output similar to:

    PHPUnit 9.6.9 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Time: 00:00.374, Memory: 6.00 MB
    OK (29 tests, 36 assertions)
    Process finished with exit code 0

We recommend regularly running these tests during development to help catch any potential issues early. We also strive for a high level of test coverage, and additions to the codebase should ideally include corresponding tests.

For more detailed output or for integration into continuous integration (CI) systems, PHPUnit can generate a log file in a variety of formats. Check the PHPUnit documentation for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the file for details.