ShaderlabVS is a Visual Studio Plugin for Unity Shaderlab programming. Latest releae build can be found at Visual Studio Marketplace or the Release page. Paid Version with Long Term Support is available on Asset Store.
If you are looking for Shaderlab extensions for Visual Studio Code, you can take look at ShaderlabVSCode(Free).

Supports files:
- .shader
- .cginc
- .glslinc
- .compute
- .cg
- .hlsl
Syntax Hightlighting and outlining


Code Completion

Signature help for CG and Unity built in functions

Supports Dark Theme

- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio SDK
How to debug in Visual Studio
- Download and install Visual Studio SDK
- Open ShaderlabVS solution
- Press F6 to build solution
- If you want to debug it in Visual Studio, and encounter problems, please make sure the Start exteral program and Comand line arguments in the Debug tab of ShaderlabVS project settings have value as follow:
- Set Start exteral program to the path of devenv.exe (the Visual studio main program)
- set Comand line arguments to /rootsuffix Exp. Below is a screenshot for the settings:

Support Visual Studio Versions:
- Visual Studio 2013
- Visual Studio 2015
- Visual Studio 2017
The other version are not tested, not sure if there are also work or not.
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