Toy in-memory queue server using Facebook's Thrift protocol/RPC generator
Phillip Pearson
This is a toy in-memory (very much non-durable) queue, with a client
and server in Python and a server in C++ – the results of an
evening’s hacking with Facebook’s Thrift protocol/RPC generator.
On my laptop it handles about 4000 RPCs per second, i.e. if you have
one producer and three consumers, the producer can push about 2000
messages per second, which are fairly evenly spread across the
The throughput is almost identical with the C++ server. ‘top’ reports
~80% system time and ‘iftop’ reports ~300kB/s traffic.
cd src
python py/
python py/
python py/
python py/
Try starting the server and a few consumers, then a producer.
cd src/cpp
make run