A simple API-framework to provide an easy to use, consistent and portable client/server-architecture (standalone and also for django, Flask, AppEngine and all WSGI-compatible implementations like gunicorn).
… image:: https://travis-ci.org/flosch/simpleapi.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/flosch/simpleapi
… image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/simpleapi.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/simpleapi
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:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/simpleapi
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:dev-version: 0.1
:latest stable: 0.0.9
:author: Florian Schlachter [email protected]
:website: http://www.florian-schlachter.de
:license: MIT-license / see LICENSE file for more
:mailinglist: subscribe: [email protected]
:documentation: http://simpleapi.readthedocs.org
simpleapi is an easy to use, consistent, transparent and portable way of
providing an API. It supports several transport formats (e. g. json, jsonp,
xml, yaml) and provides server (standalone and also django, Flask, Google AppEngine and any WSGI-compatible implementation like gunicorn) and client libraries (PHP, Python) to interact seamlessly. You can also use nearly every Ajax framework (e. g. jQuery, ExtJS, etc.) to access the API.
pip install --upgrade simpleapi
git clone git://github.com/flosch/simpleapi.git
(see requirements.txt as well)
Server (handler.py)::
from simpleapi import Namespace, serialize
from models import SMS, APIUser
class SMSAPI(Namespace):
__authentication__ = lambda namespace, access_key: \
APIUser.objects.filter(access_key=access_key).count() > 0
def send(self, to, msg, from='testsender'):
sms = SMS.objects.create(
return {
'sent': sms.send(),
'obj': serialize(sms, excludes=[re.compile('^date'),])
send.published = True
send.constraints = {'to': re.compile(r'^\+\d{2,}\ \d{3,}\ \d{5,}')}
def status(self, id):
return SMS.objects.get(id=id)
status.published = True
status.constraints = {'id': int}
def last(self, numbers=5):
return SMS.objects.all()[:numbers]
last.published = True
last.constraints = {'numbers': int}
Standalone-Server (app.py)::
from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import SMSAPI
route = Route(SMSAPI, framework='standalone', path=r'^/api/')
route.serve() # serves on port 5050 by default
Gunicorn (WSGI-compatible implementation) (app.py)::
from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import SMSAPI
route = Route(SMSAPI, framework='wsgi', path=r'^/api/')
# start Gunicorn (with 5 workers):
# gunicorn -w 5 app:route
Django-Server (urls.py)::
from handlers import SMSAPI
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^api/$', Route(SMSAPI))
Flask-Server (app.py)::
from flask import Flask
from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import SMSAPI
app = Flask(__name__)
app.route('/api/')(Route(SMSAPI, framework='flask'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Google AppEngine (main.py)::
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import util
from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import SMSAPI
def main():
application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
[('/api/', Route(SMSAPI, framework='appengine'))]
if __name__ == '__main__':
Client (python/remote)::
from simpleapi import Client
client = Client(ns='http://remote.tld:8888/api/', access_key='mysecret',
sms = client.sms(to='555123', msg='Hey yo! This is simpleapi calling.')
print "Sent successful?", sms['sent']
sms = client.sms(to='555123', msg='2nd test with own sender',
print "Sent successful?", sms['sent']
print "Which sender?", sms['obj']['sender']
Client (python/local)::
from simpleapi import DummyClient, Route
from handlers import SMSAPI
client = DummyClient(Route(SMSAPI, framework='dummy'),
sms = client.sms(to='555123', msg='Hey yo! This is simpleapi calling.')
print "Sent successful?", sms['sent']
sms = client.sms(to='555123', msg='2nd test with own sender',
print "Sent successful?", sms['sent']
print "Which sender?", sms['obj']['sender']
Client (PHP)::
$client = new Client($ns="http://localhost:8888/api/",
print("Sent? ".$client->sms(array(
'to' => '555123',
'msg' => 'Hey yo! This is the PHP client sending you a SMS.'
Client (jQuery)::
{_call: 'send', to: '555123', 'msg': 'Hey ya!'},
function (return) {
if (return.result.sent)
alert('Sent successfully!');
alert('Sending failed!');
Server (handler.py)::
from simpleapi import Namespace
class CalculatorAPI(Namespace):
__ip_restriction__ = ['127.0.0.*',]
__authentication__ = "lets_calc"
def power(self, a, b):
return a ** b
power.published = True
power.constraints = lambda namespace, key, value: float(value)
def sum(self, **kwargs)
return sum(kwargs.values())
sum.published = True
sum.constraints = lambda namespace, key, value: float(value)
Standalone-Server (app.py)::
from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import CalculatorAPI
route = Route(CalculatorAPI, framework='standalone', path=r'^/api/')
route.serve() # serves on port 5050 by default
Gunicorn (WSGI-compatible implementation) (app.py)::
from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import CalculatorAPI
route = Route(CalculatorAPI, framework='wsgi', path=r'^/api/')
# start Gunicorn (with 5 workers):
# gunicorn -w 5 app:route
Django-Server (urls.py)::
from handlers import CalculatorAPI
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^api/$', Route(CalculatorAPI))
Flask-Server (app.py)::
from flask import Flask
from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import CalculatorAPI
app = Flask(__name__)
app.route('/api/')(Route(CalculatorAPI, framework='flask'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Google AppEngine (main.py)::
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import util
from simpleapi import Route
from handlers import CalculatorAPI
def main():
application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
[('/api/', Route(CalculatorAPI, framework='appengine'))]
if __name__ == '__main__':
Client (python/remote)::
from simpleapi import Client
client = Client(ns='http://remote.tld:8888/api/', access_key='lets_calc')
print "5 ** 8 =", client.power(a=5, b=8)
print "1+2+3+4+5+6+7 =", client.sum(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6, g=7)
Client (python/local)::
from simpleapi import DummyClient, Route
from handlers import CalculatorAPI
client = DummyClient(Route(CalculatorAPI, framework='dummy'),
print "5 ** 8 =", client.power(a=5, b=8)
print "1+2+3+4+5+6+7 =", client.sum(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6, g=7)
Client (PHP)::
$client = new Client($ns="http://localhost:8888/api/",
print("5 ** 8 = ".$client->power(array('a'=>5, 'b'=>8)));
Client (jQuery)::
{_call: 'power', a: 5, b: 8, _access_key: "lets_calc"},
function (return) {
alert('5 ** 8 = ' + return.result)