site generation

A utility for generating static HTML websites


Site Generator

This allows for the generation of static websites. It can process rml files, and note files.


Coming Soon


You can specify a directory as the source and target.
You can also specify git branches to be sources and targets (and this works with one branch in a repo containing content, and another branch as the target for the generated content). This requires having git installed.

You can include a .genignore file whit will stop any files that match any of its filepath patterns from being generated.

./generate --source /c/Users/huwtaylor/Projects/mir/wiki --source-branch content --target /c/Users/huwtaylor/Projects/mir/wiki --target-branch master

Supported Content Filetypes

All files that are not in the .genignore will be either copied, or converted, even images and binary files.

The filetypes that will be converted at the moment are .rml.

RML is a markup language, which is a superset of HTML, adding in some special tags.
For more details, see The RML Readme.


I’m currently using this utility for The Wiki I’m making for my worldbuilding.
