A PHP based cron job runner. Manage, monitor, log and react to problems with your scheduled tasks.
A PHP based cron job runner. Manage, monitor, log and react to problems with your scheduled tasks.
Created by the team at deploy.dog initially for internal use, but modified and released for other to enjoy too.
Created by deploy.dog initially for internal use, but released for others to enjoy too.
composer require deploy-dog/slavedriver
We suggest using a file named slavedriver.php
in the project root, and that’s what we’ll be using in this example.
A more detailed example of this file can be seen here, but the basics are below
// You'll need autoloading
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// We recommend scrapbook for your PSR-16 compatible cache, but use whatever you like!
// This example is using Scrapbook and Flysystem to write a cache file to the disk, but you'll
// probably want to use Redis or something better like that
$adapter = new \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local('/tmp/dd.slavedriver.cache', LOCK_EX);
$filesystem = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);
$cache = new \MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Adapters\Flysystem($filesystem);
$simpleCache = new \MatthiasMullie\Scrapbook\Psr16\SimpleCache($cache);
// In this example, we use phossa2/event which is a PSR-14 event manager.
// PSR-14 is only "proposed" at this stage. Once PSR-14 is "accepted" we'll update the required interface.
// You can use anything that implments \Phossa2\Event\Interfaces\EventManagerInterface (which is a copy of PSR-14),
// it doesn't actually have to be phossa2/event
$eventsDispatcher = new \Phossa2\Event\EventDispatcher();
$eventsDispatcher->attach(\deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_SLAVEDRIVER_ALL, function(\Phossa2\Event\Event $event) {
$job = $event->getTarget();
// See Events in the readme below for details on events
// Instantiate Slavedriver
$slavedriver = new \deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver($simpleCache, $eventsDispatcher);
// Want logging (in addition to events)? See the Logging section of the readme below
// You can set the Slave Name that the machine running this job has (so it know which jobs to do).
// We'll look at the following (in this order)
// Manually set using $slavedriver->setSlaveName()
// Environment var "SLAVEDRIVER_SLAVE_NAME"
// Node hostname (from php's gethostname() function)
// Create a job
$job = new \deploydog\Slavedriver\Job('Sleep for a bit');
$job->setCommand('sleep 10');
$job->setSchedule('* * * * *');
$job->setSlaves(['test1']); // Optional, default to all slaves
// Add the job to Slavedriver
// Add more jobs like with the example above..
// Alternatively (or in addition) if you have lots of jobs you might want to include one per file
// and get Slavedriver to recursively look in directory for jobs
// Your included files should return an instance of the Job object.
// Run the required jobs
You need to get something (e.g. the real system crontab) to run your Slavedriver file every 1 minute (this time internal is important, don’t change it).
* * * * * cd /path/to/project && php slavedriver.php 1>> /dev/null 2>&1
Events are dispatched throughout the process which you can listen to.
You can use any PSR-14 (Event Manager) compatible event manager.
PSR-14 is currently at the “proposed” stage so we should expect it to change. We’d recommend using phossa2/event
as your PSR-14 event manager if you don’t have one currently and don’t want to implement your own. As PSR-14 is not out yet, we require
a class which implements Phossa2\Event\Interfaces\EventManagerInterface so if you don’t want to use phossa2/event you can write something else which implements
that same class. Not ideal, I know, and we expect to change this in v2 when PSR-14 is approved.
You can listen to the follow events to monitor your Slavedriver jobs and act accordingly.
Hint: Use the Job’s CustomData
if you want to pass through additional data, such as whether to wake people up in the night if the job fails!
$eventsDispatcher = new \Phossa2\Event\EventDispatcher(); // This is the same one you passed into Slavedriver on construct
$eventsDispatcher->attach(\deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_JOB_OUTPUT_STDOUT, function(\Phossa2\Event\Event $event) {
$job = $event->getTarget();
$stdOut = $event->getParam('stdOut');
// Log $stdOut somewhere, this can be called multiple times for each job and will be given any
// new stdOut since the last call. You can then append this to the previous stdOut of the job
// Likewise the event "slavedriver.job.output.stderr" will give you the stdErr in $event->getParam('stdErr')
$eventsDispatcher = new \Phossa2\Event\EventDispatcher(); // This is the same one you passed into Slavedriver on construct
$eventsDispatcher->attach(\deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_SLAVEDRIVER_ALL, function(\Phossa2\Event\Event $event) {
$job = $event->getTarget();
if ($job instanceof \deploydog\Slavedriver\Job) {
echo 'Got event "'.$event->getName().'" on job "'.$job->getName().'"'."\n";
} else {
echo 'Got event "'.$event->getName().'"'."\n";
if ($event->getName() == \deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_JOB_OUTPUT_STDOUT){
echo 'stdOut > ' . $event->getParam('stdOut')."\n";
} else if ($event->getName() == \deploydog\Slavedriver\Slavedriver::EVENT_JOB_OUTPUT_STDERR){
echo 'stdErr > ' . $event->getParam('stdErr')."\n";
= The exit code of the commandslavedriver.job.output.stdout
= The stdOut data since the last trigger of this eventslavedriver.job.output.stderr
= The stdErr data since the last trigger of this eventslavedriver.job.timeout
objectLogging is provided by any PSR-3 compatible logger.
You can provider custom log levels for different messages if you wish, or leave the leave the log levels at the defaults which are sensible.
To setup logging, call the setLogger()
method on the Slavedriver object, passing in the PSR-3 logger and optionally the log levels.
$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('Slavedriver');
$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(__DIR__.'/slavedriver.log'));
Or with custom log levels (e.g. override the ErrorExitCode
log level to alert
$logLevels = new \deploydog\Slavedriver\LogLevels();
$slavedriver->setLogger($logger, $logLevels);
All exceptions thrown by Slavedriver extend the base Slavedriver exception deploydog\Slavedriver\Exception\Slavedriver
which extends the base PHP exception \Exception
Different Slavedriver exceptions are thrown for different reasons, for example InvalidJob
and InvalidSlavedriverConfig
Check the Exceptions directory for the possible options.