snap share app

A social networking site that allows users to post articles and interact with each other


Social Connect - SnapShare

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Welcome to the documentation for the Social Connect project. Social Connect is a modern social networking platform that enables users to connect, share, and engage with others through a wide range of features.

Table of Contents


Social Connect is a feature-rich web-based social networking platform that allows users to create meaningful connections and interactions with friends and other users.


  1. User Authentication: Secure user registration and login system powered by Firebase Authentication.
  2. Posting: Users can create, edit, and delete posts.
  3. Interaction: Users can like, comment on, and share posts.
  4. Profile Customization: Personalize your profile using Tailwind CSS for seamless UI customization.
  5. Search: Effortlessly discover other users through a robust search functionality.
  6. Friendship: Send and accept friend requests to connect with others.
  7. Following: Follow your favorite users to stay updated with their posts.
  8. Messaging: Engage in private conversations with other users using Firebase Realtime Database.
  9. Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark UI themes for comfortable browsing.
  10. Real-time Updates: Experience real-time notifications for activities through Firebase Realtime Database.
  11. Responsive Design: Enjoy a consistent experience across various devices.
  12. Real-time Functionality: Leverage Firebase’s real-time capabilities for seamless interactions.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd snap-share-app
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Configure Firebase credentials and environment variables (see Firebase Configuration).
  5. Run the development server: npm start


  1. Register an account or log in if you already have one using Firebase Authentication.
  2. Explore and interact with various features through the user-friendly interface.
  3. Share your thoughts by creating posts, engaging with others’ content, and connecting with friends.
  4. Tailor your profile’s appearance using Tailwind CSS for a unique look.
  5. Discover new connections through the robust search feature.
  6. Enjoy real-time messaging with other users through Firebase Realtime Database.

Firebase Configuration

  1. Create a Firebase project at
  2. Obtain your Firebase configuration credentials (apiKey, authDomain, projectId, storageBucket, messagingSenderId, appId) from the project settings.
  3. Rename the .env.example file to .env in the project root directory.
  4. Replace the placeholder values in .env with your Firebase configuration credentials.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS (Tailwind CSS), JavaScript (React.js)
  • Backend: Firebase (Authentication, Firestore Database, Storage, Hosting)
  • Other dependencies: [list any other major dependencies here]


Contributions are highly appreciated! If you encounter any issues or have innovative ideas, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. For significant changes, kindly discuss them with the project maintainers beforehand.


This project is licensed under the [Your License] License - refer to the LICENSE file for more details.