
This generic SOAP client allows you to access web services using a your iOS app, Mac OS X app and AppleTV app.



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Twitter: @DaniloPriore

This generic SOAP client allows you to access web services using a your iOS app, Mac OS X app and Apple TV app.

With this Framework you can create iPhone, iPad, Mac OS X and Apple TV apps that supports SOAP Client Protocol. This framework able executes methods at remote web services with SOAP standard protocol.


  • Support both 2001 (v1.1) and 2003 (v1.2) XML schema.
  • Support array, array of structs, dictionary and sets.
  • Support for user-defined object with serialization of complex data types and array of complex data types, even embedded multilevel structures.
  • Supports ASMX Services, WCF Services (SVC) and now also the WSDL definitions.
  • Supports Basic, Digest and NTLM Authentication, WS-Security, Client side Certificate and custom security header.
  • Supports iOS Social Account to send OAuth2.0 token on the request.
  • AES256 or 3DES Encrypt/Decrypt data without SSL security.
  • An example of service and how to use it is included in source code.

Requirements for iOS

  • iOS 8.0 and later
  • Xcode 8.0 or later
  • Security.framework
  • Accounts.framework
  • Foundation.framework
  • UIKit.framework
  • libxml2.dylib

Requirements for Mac OS X

  • OS X 10.9 and later
  • Xcode 8.0 or later
  • Security.framework
  • Accounts.framework
  • Foundation.framework
  • AppKit.framework
  • Cocoa.framework
  • libxml2.dylib

Requirements for Apple TV

  • iOS 9.0 and later
  • Xcode 8.0 or later
  • Security.framework
  • Foundation.framework
  • UIKit.framework
  • libxml2.dylib


Known issues

  • Swift 4: the library is currently written in Objective-C and when you import the swift library you will get build errors like this The use of Swift 3 @objc inference in Swift 4 mode is deprecated.

    For silent this warning is need sets Swift 3 @objc Inference to default value in the the Build settings of target. but It’s not all; the classes used to create requests must be declared with @objcMembers and NSObject, eg:

    class MyClass { ... }
    let param = MyClass()
    // ...
    // ...
    let soap = SOAPEngine()
    soap.setValue(param, forKey: "myKey")
    // ...
    // ...

    the declaration of MyClass must become :

    @objcMembers class MyClass: NSObject { ... }

Security for Xcode 8.x or later

From the new Xcode 8 is required an additional setting for the apps, if this setting does not exist you will see a log message like this:

App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file.

To resolve this, add few keys in info.plist, the steps are:

  1. Open info.plist file of your project.
  2. Add a Key called NSAppTransportSecurity as a Dictionary.
  3. Add a Subkey called NSAllowsArbitraryLoads as Boolean and set its value to YES as like following image.


ref link:

How to use

with Delegates :

import SOAPEngine64

class ViewController: UIViewController, SOAPEngineDelegate {

	var soap: SOAPEngine = SOAPENgine()

	override func viewDidLoad() {
		soap.delegate = self
		soap.actionNamespaceSlash = true
		soap.setValue("Genesis", forKey: "BookName")
		soap.setIntegerValue(1, forKey: "chapter")

		// standard soap service (.asmx)
	    		soapAction: "")

	func soapEngine(_ soapEngine: SOAPEngine!, didFinishLoadingWith dict: [AnyHashable : Any]!, data: Data!) 
		let dict = soapEngine.dictionaryValue()

with Block programming :

import SOAPEngine64

class ViewController: UIViewController {

	var soap: SOAPEngine = SOAPENgine()

	override func viewDidLoad() {
		soap.actionNamespaceSlash = true
		soap.setValue("Genesis", forKey: "BookName")
        	soap.setIntegerValue(1, forKey: "chapter")
	    		    soapAction: "",
		completeWithDictionary: { (statusCode: Int?, dict: [AnyHashable: Any]?) -> Void in
			let book:NSDictionary = dict! as NSDictionary
			let verses = book["BibleBookChapterVerse"] as! NSArray

		}) { (error: Error?) -> Void in

with Notifications :

import SOAPEngine64

class ViewController: UIViewController {

	var soap: SOAPEngine = SOAPENgine()

	override func viewDidLoad() {

			selector: #selector(soapEngineDidFinishLoading(_:)), 
			name: NSNotification.Name.SOAPEngineDidFinishLoading, 
			object: nil)

		soap.actionNamespaceSlash = true
		soap.setValue("Genesis", forKey: "BookName")
		soap.setIntegerValue(1, forKey: "chapter")

		// standard soap service (.asmx)
	    	soapAction: "")

	@objc func soapEngineDidFinishLoading(_ notification: NSNotification) {
		let engine = notification.object as? SOAPEngine
		let dict = engine()

Synchronous request :

import SOAPEngine64

class ViewController: UIViewController {

	var soap: SOAPEngine = SOAPENgine()

	override func viewDidLoad() {
		soap.actionNamespaceSlash = true
		soap.setValue("Genesis", forKey: "BookName")
		soap.setIntegerValue(1, forKey: "chapter")

		// standard soap service (.asmx)
		do {
			let result = try soap.syncRequestURL("", 
						 soapAction: "")
		catch {

settings for SOAP Authentication :

soap.authorizationMethod = .AUTH_BASICAUTH; // basic auth
soap.username = "my-username";
soap.password = "my-password";

settings for Social OAuth2.0 token :

// token authorization
soap.authorizationMethod = .AUTH_SOCIAL;
soap.apiKey = "1234567890"; // your apikey
soap.socialName = ACAccountTypeIdentifierTwitter; // import Accounts

Encryption/Decryption data without SSL/HTTPS :

soap.encryptionType = ._ENCRYPT_AES256; // or SOAP_ENCRYPT_3DES
soap.encryptionPassword = "my-password";

Params with Attributes :

// book
var book = ["name": "Genesis"] as! NSMutableDictionary
var attr = ["order": "asc"]
// chapter
var child = soap.dictionary(forKey: "chapter", value: "1", attributes: attr)
book.addEntries(from: child!)
// book attributes
soap.setValue(book, forKey: "Book", attributes: ["rack": "2"])

it builds a request like this:

<Book rack="2">
	<chapter order="asc">1</chapter>


First of all, if you note a slowdown in the response of the request, try to change the value of the property named actionNamespaceSlash.
After, when using the method named requestWSDL three steps are performed :

  1. retrieve the WSDL with an http request
  2. processing to identify the soapAction
  3. calls the method with an http request http request

this is not optimized, very slow, instead you can use the optimization below :

  1. retrieving manually the SOAPAction directly from WSDL (once with your favorite browser).
  2. use the method named requestURL instead of requestWSDL without WSDL extension.

Install in your apps

Swift Package Manager

SOAPEngine is available as a Swift package. The repository URL is valid for adding the package in your app through the Xcode.


Read the “Getting Started” guide

Cocoapods and Swift

Read the Integrating SOAPEngine with a Swift project

Standard installation

Read the “Standard Installation” guide


just simulator
Single App
single bundle-id
multi bundle-id
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