socialise vue

Msc in Web Technologies - Mobile Applications Development - Socialise - A student hangout app, built using Ionic and Vue.js. Written in Typescript/Javascript. Firebase on the backend for authentication and data persistence.


Msc in Web Technologies - Mobile Applications Development - Project App

Socialise - A student hangout app, built using Ionic and Vuejs. Written in Typescript/Javascript, while using Firebase on the backend for authentication and data persistence.

This is a project build for my Masters course in Web Technologies. The brief was to build a “student hangout” style app that offers a social media style service, where users are able to post messages and replies. To be designed to promote inter-departmental interactions. Additional features could include user authentication, notifications and the ability to upload images. This is still massively a work in progress.

  • [x] Construct & structure initial project.
  • [x] Add all relevent views, with suitable working navigation.
  • [x] Implement header/footer navigation to work in cojunction with above.
  • [x] Setup Firebase user authentication and restrict relevant views.
  • [ ] Structure each view fully.
  • [x] Hardcode data initially to help structure each view.
  • [x] Add ability to get data from Firestore.
  • [x] Add ability to post data to Firestore.
  • [x] Add user’s ability to post comments.
  • [ ] Add display of username and comment/post creation times.

To quickly start the project and run in a web browser:

cd socialise-vue
ionic serve

As mentioned above, this is still massively a work in progress, however see below for a few screenshots demonstrating its development so far:

Main area - Stories:

alt text

Individual Story:

alt text

Adding a Story:

alt text

Login View:

alt text

Registration View:

alt text