This Chat app allows users to create room and do real-time communication and send emojis It is build using web sockets that uses internally. This app is only a demonstration and not a real product.
My goal was to build a Chat app that allows users to create room and do real-time communication and send emojis.
This app is build using web sockets that uses internally.
Click here to see the live demo
Most of the server-side setup is done requiring http module and then encapsulating it inside the Using express makes setting up easier and allows us to use different middleware like the CORS middleware which has been used here.
All the handling of the users adding, removing, admin work,… everything is done on the server side. Also used nodemon module to automaate the serving.
Firstly, the design is completely mine, asthetics is an important part that I always try to maintain in all of my projects.
The home page design was build using a tool called blush which allows to make vector illustrations based on humaaans vector graphics.
The responsive design of the home page, changes when opened in a mobile-device.
Secondly, for React file structure two main components were created Join.js(Homepage) and Chat.js. All the other components were created on top of these main components
React-router is used for routing and apart from that for smooth scrolling react-scroll-to-bottom and react-emojis for more user interaction just like any other Chat-app.
Query-strings were used to parse the location i.e. Name & Room.
Both the client and the server is connected using, the at the client side and in the server side enables the user to send constant events. There is constant emmiting and listening of events between the client and the server.
The server is deployed using Heroku and the client is deployed using Netlify.