
I've crafted a dynamic portfolio using Vuetify 2, Vue 2, and Nuxt 2. Experience responsive design, seamless navigation, and engaging interactivity that showcase my skills and projects effectively.


I’ve crafted a dynamic portfolio using Vuetify 2, Vue 2, and Nuxt 2. Experience responsive design, seamless navigation, and engaging interactivity that showcase my skills and projects effectively.

Project: Portfolio Website


This project is a portfolio website built using Nuxt.js, Vue.js, and Vuetify on the frontend, with an Express backend. It includes features like Axios for HTTP requests, dat.gui for a graphical user interface, and vue-scrollto for smooth scrolling.

Project Structure

  • frontend: Contains the Nuxt.js and Vue.js application for the frontend.
  • backend: Houses the Express server for handling backend operations.
    details about its structure and usage here.

-.nuxt ->

  • assets ->
  • components ->
  • css ->
  • dist ->
  • layouts ->
  • node_modules ->
  • pages ->
  • plugins ->
  • editorconfig ->
  • .gitignore ->
  • nuxt.config.js ->
  • package-lock.json ->
  • package.json ->
  • ->
  • server
    • routes
      • api
        • posts.js
      • index.js
  • package-lock.json ->
  • package.json ->



  • dev: Run Nuxt.js in development mode.

    npm run dev
  • build: Build the Nuxt.js application.

    npm run build
  • start: Start the Nuxt.js application in production mode.

    npm start
  • generate: Generate static files for the Nuxt.js application.

    npm run generate

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd frontend
    npm install
  3. Run the development server:

    npm run dev

The frontend of the project will start running.
Visit http://localhost:3000 to view your portfolio website.