A minimalist template engine for Python3
A minimalist template engine for Python3
The goal of Stencil is to provide just enough of a template engine in a single file.
Currently weighs in at 550 LoC (414 according to sloccount).
Make a directory for our templates:
… code-block:: bash
$ mkdir tmpl
Create a simple template:
… code-block:: html
Good morning, {{ name }}!
Write a script to use it
… code-block:: python
import stencil
loader = stencil.TemplateLoader([‘tmpl/’])
t = loader[‘index.html’]
c = stencil.Context({‘name’: ‘Ruprect’})
As of stencil v4, there is a new expression syntax that is not backward
As of stencil v2.1, only Python 3.6+ is supported.
As of stencil v2, only Python 3.4+ is supported.
Stencil 1.2.3 is the last stable Python 2.7 version.
See the documentation <https://stencil-templates.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
_ to see more details.