A simple administration interface for the stoplight gem.
A simple administration interface for stoplight. Monitor the
status, failures, and invocations of your stoplights. Change
stoplight colors, or lock them in either red or green state.
The stoplight-admin version 0.4 and above is only compatible with Stoplight 4.1. If you have Stoplight version
below 4.0, use stoplight-admin 0.3.6.
This project is packaged as a Ruby gem so that you can easily embed it
in your own code containing the configuration details for your
stoplight data store.
First you’ll need a Gemfile
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'stoplight-admin'
Run Bundler to install the dependencies:
$ bundle install
Lastly we need to make our (tiny) application. Here’s a typical
example using a local Redis data store:
# app.rb
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'redis'
gem 'stoplight-admin'
gem 'webrick'
require 'redis'
require 'sinatra'
require 'stoplight_admin/application'
redis = Redis.new(url: 'redis://localhost:6379')
set :data_store, Stoplight::DataStore::Redis.new(redis)
If you run Stoplight Admin behind a reverse proxy (nginx, for
instance) at a URL other than root, you’ll need to add the following
lines to your app.rb
use Rack::Config do |env|
env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/your/prefix/here'
$ bundle exec ruby app.rb
It is possible to mount Stoplight Admin inside Rails.
Add something like this to your config/routes.rb
require 'redis'
require 'stoplight_admin/application'
class StoplightAdminApp < Sinatra::Base
register StoplightAdmin::Application
redis = Redis.new # Uses REDIS_URL environment variable.
data_store = Stoplight::DataStore::Redis.new(redis)
set :data_store, data_store
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount StoplightAdminApp => '/stoplights'
Stoplight is brought to you by @camdez and @tfausak from