
Mini App of coreData for store student information, multi-threading in core data.


MARK: - fatalError() vs assertionFailure() vs preconditionfailure()

fatalError() -> for exiting a program, Unconditionally prints a given message and stops execution.
assertionFailure() -> for testing, Indicates that an internal sanity check failed.
preconditionFailure() -> for testing, when checking the precondition, Indicates that a precondition was violated.

1. Using assert() and assertionFailure()
To verify that a certain condition is true. Per default, this causes a fatal error in debug builds, while being ignored in release builds. It’s therefor not guaranteed that execution will stop if an assert is triggered, so it’s kind of like a severe runtime warning.

2. Using precondition() and preconditionFailure() instead of asserts.
The key difference is that these are always* evaluated, even in release builds. That means that you have a guarantee that execution will never continue if the condition isn’t met.

3. Calling fatalError()
— which you have probably seen in Xcode-generated implementations of init(coder:) when subclassing an NSCoding-conforming system class, such as UIViewController. Calling this directly kills your process.

update: June 6 Sat

1. Display a list of Students from the Database
2. There should be a way to save Student record in the Database
3. There should be a way to update Student record in the Database
4. There should be a way to delete Student record in the Database
5. Follow good UI/UX
6. using NSFetchedResultsController, NSSortDescriptor, searchBar, and some small things

Update: June 7 Sun

1. fix bugs ->  delete multiple objects, can not create same id, optimize code

Update: June 8 Mon

1. add search bar scope
2. coreData manager 
3. save image data to core data
4. optimized the code

Update: June 9 Tue

1. add filter with sliding menu
2. add sort with picker view
3. coreData light migration
4. multi-entities

Update: June 10 Wed

CoreData Concurrency

1. mainQueueType
2. privateQueueType
3. perform() & performAndWait()