Sudoku Solver by CSP and Minisat

Sudoku Solver by constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) using heuristics - Minimum Remaining Value (MRV), Least Common Value (LCV), Maintainin Arc Consistency (MAC). Secondly, by converting to Satisfiability Problem (SAT) and using a sat solver (miniSAT).

Note: Sample output can be found in code/output/

1. Sudoku Solver using CSP

Running Instructions:

  • Change Directory to code/jar/
  • To run Sudoku Solver java -jar SudokuSolver.jar <input-file> <output-file> <heuristic>
    • 0 (No Heuristic, BS), 1 (MRV, BSI), 2 (MRV+LCV, BSII), 3 (MRV+LCV+MAC, BSMAC)
  • Note: Requires jre version 1.8

Source Files:

Source files can be found in code/src/ and include:


2. Sudoku Solver using MiniSAT

Running Instructions:

  • Change Directory to code/jar/
  • To run Sudoku Solver java -jar SAT.jar <input-file> <output-file> <minisat_static_binary>
  • Note #1: Requires jre version 1.8
  • Note #2: minisat_static provided in code/jar/ folder might not work, you may need to compile on the system itself.

Source Files:

Source files can be found in code/src/ and include:
