
Surging is a micro-service engine that provides a lightweight, high-performance, modular RPC request pipeline. support Event-based Asynchronous Pattern and reactive programming ,The service engine supports http, TCP, WS,Grpc, Thrift,Mqtt, UDP, and DNS protocols. It uses ZooKeeper and Consul as a registry, and integrates it. Hash, random, polling, Fair Polling as a load balancing algorithm, built-in service governance to ensure reliable RPC communication, the engine contains Diagnostic, link tracking for protocol and middleware calls, and integration SkyWalking Distributed APM


surging                     中文

Member project of .NET Core Community
GitHub license

surging is a distributed micro service framework that provides high-performance RPC remote service calls, using Zookeeper, Consul as the registration center for surging services, integrating hash, random, polling as a load balancing algorithm, RPC integration using the netty framework, Using asynchronous transmission.



Start configuration:

var host = new ServiceHostBuilder()
               .RegisterServices(builder =>
                   builder.AddMicroService(option =>
                       // option.UseZooKeeperManager(new ConfigInfo("")); //Using a Zookeeper management
                       option.UseConsulManager(new ConfigInfo(""));//Use the Consul management
                       option.UseDotNettyTransport();//Use Netty transmission
                       option.UseRabbitMQTransport();//Use the rabbitmq transmission
                       option.AddRabbitMQAdapt();//Based on the consumption of the rabbitmq service adaptation
                       builder.Register(p => new CPlatformContainer(ServiceLocator.Current));//Initializes the injection container
               .SubscribeAt()     //News Feeds
               .UseServer("", 98)
             //.UseServer("", 98,“true”) //Automatically generate Token
             //.UseServer("", 98,“123456789”) //Fixed password Token
               .UseLog4net("Configs/log4net.config") //Use log4net to generate the log
               .UseLog4net()  //Use log4net to generate the log
           using (host.Run())
               Console.WriteLine($"The server startup success,{DateTime.Now}。");

Subscription function:

 ServiceLocator.GetService< ISubscriptionAdapt >().SubscribeAt();

Increase service fault-tolerant, fault-tolerant forcibly demote demotion and service
  • Increase the fault tolerance strategy Injection, the local module injection:

[Command(Strategy= StrategyType.Injection ,Injection = @"return null;")]

[Command(Strategy= StrategyType.Injection ,Injection = @"return 
Task.FromResult(new Surging.IModuleServices.Common.Models.UserModel
         });",InjectionNamespaces =new string[] { "Surging.IModuleServices.Common"})] 
  • Increase Injection fault-tolerant strategy, local Injection module:

[Command(Strategy= StrategyType.Injection ,Injection = @"return true;")] 

Increase the cache relegation, how to use?

Add the following features in the business interface methods

   [Command(Strategy= StrategyType.Failover,FailoverCluster =3,RequestCacheEnabled =true)]  //RequestCacheEnabled =true Is to enable the cache

How to intercept access to cache?
Add the following features in the business interface methods
 [InterceptMethod(CachingMethod.Get, Key = "GetUser_id_{0}", Mode = CacheTargetType.Redis, Time = 480)]

How to intercept the delete cache?
Add the following features in the business interface methods
  [InterceptMethod(CachingMethod.Remove, "GetUser_id_{0}", "GetUserName_name_{0}", Mode = CacheTargetType.Redis)]

How to add the cache KEY
On the business model attribute to add, the following features, can support multiple

Configuring Interceptors

IDE:Visual Studio 2017 15.3 Preview ,vscode

The framework:.NET core 2.0

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