symfony angular grunt

Example Symfony 2 projects which uses AngularJS MV* and the Grunt Task Runner


Symfony 2 + AngularJS + Grunt

Build Status

This is an example project to show how you can combine Symfony 2, AngularJS and Grunt.

Update 16/05/16: Improved AngularJS code using johnpapa’s angular styleguide (actually the CoffeeScript variant

Update 14/01/15: Added some bundles to implement REST, still needs ngResource example. Check out @DsbaarsDemoBundle/ApiController/DefaultController.php


  • composer (and PHP of course)
  • npm
  • bower
  • grunt-cli

How to install and run


Just run composer install.
I created a Composer script-handler that runs npm install and bower install.


My usual way is open two Terminal-way tabs and running:

  1. app/console server:run
  2. grunt watch

You can also use XAMPP or Vagrant.
For SF2 development Vagrant does not seem to be very slow, even after optimizing like described here:



Symfony 2.8 standard edition (without Acme-Demo-stuff)
with the following changes:

  • AsseticBundle disabled
  • added bundles like FOSJsRoutingBundle,FOSRestBundle which are useful when using AngularJS

JavaScript (“Server-side”)

  • Grunt
  • LESS compiler
  • CoffeeScript compiler
  • wiredep injector


  • jQuery
  • AngularJS
    • ui-router
    • angular-bootstrap
  • Twitter Bootstrap (LESS only)

Future work

You can add a REST API using:

Update 14/01/15: I use ngResource because it is indeed very suitable. I added all three to this example, because it would not make sense to use this combination without something like this

If you want to implement stateless authentication with tokens, check out:

Also WebSockets are very interesting:

  • Ratchet WebSockets for PHP, looks promising.
  • - Very easy to use - at least in JavaScript. I did not see how to fit the server-functionality in a SF2-project yet.

Why did I want this?

I like Symfony 2, but after I used some JS-based frameworks I found out that:

  • 👎 Composer is very slow when adding requirements, quite annoying when adding stuff like jQuery
  • 👎 Assetic is quite slow
  • 👍 Bower and npm are really fast compared to Composer
  • 👍 MVVM makes your web-application (at least from the users’ perspective) faster

Also I really like automating repetitive tasks (I also do love Chef, Vagrant
and that kind of stuff).
So I really like task runners like Grunt.

Thanks to Grunt, its plug-ins it became a lot easier to automate tasks, like compiling LESS.
Assetic can do this but using the watch-functionality or the Assetic Controller is a lot slower than using grunt-watch and it has a lot of other
caveats when you have one “main”-stylesheet and include other less-stylesheets.

To summarize, Assetic was giving me headaches so for some SF2 projects I switched to compiling LESS using grunt-contrib-watch a while ago already.

For a new application I considered creating it entirely using a JS-based framework, but especially things like database abstraction do not seem as mature as Doctrine/Propel yet
and I do still really like Symfony 2 itself.

There are quite some posts and slides about integrating Symfony 2 and Angular, Ember but they were mostly behind on the very good packages and bundles around at this moment.

I intend this example project as inspiration for others, wanting to use the best of both worlds.