Test-Driven Development - Extensive Tutorial. Open Source ebook
The book binaries and online version are hosted on Leanpub. The book is (and always will be) free.
You need to have an account on leanpub to access epub and mobi formats, but pdf and html are freely accessible. The registration is well worth it - if you register on leanpub and add the book to your account, you get automatic update notifications when new versions come out.
This ebook is an attempt to create an open-source extensive tutorial on Test-Driven Development. It’s a work in progress and any contribution is welcome.
The following parts are planned. The current table of content is available on Leanpub.
The book is already over 150 pages, but there is still lots to do! Your input is crucial!
The source code is now in markdown, so it is easier to contribute than
ever! I welcome issues and pull requests about typos, better phrasing,
requests for clearer explanation etc. Also if you’ve got some
questions, topic requests, would like to submit better (or new)
exercises or correct the existing ones, please submit an issue as well.
You are welcome to fork this ebook and make a customized version for the
programming language of your choice or edit the terminology or
conventions if you do not like what I decided on. It’s Open Source!