A simple 2D game development library for Ruby.


= Tea

For simpler games from a simpler age.

Tea is a simple 2D game development library for Ruby. It’s designed with these
things in mind:

  • 0 is better than 1, and 1 is better than 2.
  • Simplicity beats speed.
  • Value and convenience can sometimes beat simplicity.
  • Procedural beats object-oriented in a dead-heat.

The aim of Tea is to bring back some of the grass roots game development that
things like QBASIC fostered. By staying unobtrusive and out of the way, Tea
lets you focus on your game or demo, and not the pointy bits that are part of
many game engines and APIs.

== Installing

First, get Ruby (http://www.ruby-lang.org) if you don’t have it already. Ruby
1.9 or later is recommended.

Tea is available as a gem on Gemcutter, so add http://gemcutter.org to your
~/.gemrc and type

gem install tea

== Using Tea

First, require ‘tea’. This allows you to start using the rest of the Tea API.

From there, you have access to all of Tea’s modules, objects and methods.
Below is a simple bouncing circle demo.

require ‘tea’

Tea::Screen.set_mode 640, 480

x, y = 320, 240
dx, dy = rand() * 4 - 2, rand() * 4 - 2
r = 20

loop do
if e = Tea::Event.get
break if e.class == Tea::App::Exit

x += dx
y += dy
dx = -dx if x - r < 0 || x + r >= Tea::Screen.w
dy = -dy if y - r < 0 || y + r >= Tea::Screen.h

Tea::Screen.circle x, y, r, Tea::Color::MAGENTA

sleep 0.001


== Status

All done.

  • Events/Input - done
  • Graphics - done
  • Sound - done
  • Fonts - done

== More information

Project page:: http://github.com/tung/tea
Wiki:: http://wiki.github.com/tung/tea

== License

Tea is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
version. Tea is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
with Tea. If not, see (http://www.gnu.org/licenses).

Copyright © 2009 Tung Nguyen.