A powerful open source test automation platform for Web Apps, Mobile Apps, and APIs. Build stable and reliable end-to-end tests @ DevOps speed.
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Testsigma is an open-source, extensible test automation platform that works out of the box. Rapidly(5X faster) automate web, mobile app, and API tests in plain English.
The easiest way to start your automation journey is with Testsigma Cloud.
We have 2 more deployment options to choose from
Add-ons are custom extensions built and shared by the Testsigma Community at the Add-ons Marketplace. Add-ons are built to automate unique user actions and test automation scenarios that are not possible with Testsigmaโs default actions.
You can build your own add-on using Testsigma SDK.
Custom Actions: Testsigma provides a set of comprehensive, built-in addons that lets you automate most user actions in simple English. But sometimes you may need to automate actions unique to your AUT. For this, you can build custom add-ons to automate unique actions. See: How to build a custom action in add-ons.
Custom Data Generators: Testsigma contains default Data Generators to generate instant test data for your automation scenarios. You can also build custom data generators. See: How to build a custom data generator.
Conditional If: You can create an action to execute a sequence of steps if the condition is matched. You can write your own logic for the conditional if. See: How to add conditional if actions.
While Loops: You can create an action to execute a sequence of steps until the condition is matched. You can write your own logic for the conditional if. See: How to add while actions.
Here are the latest tutorials and videos for you to learn more about Testsigma:
Visit our tutorials to explore more.
Check out our roadmap to see what we are or will be working on.
The documentation and community will help you troubleshoot most issues. If you have encountered a bug, you can contact us using one of the following channels:
We are committed to fostering an open and welcoming environment in the community. Please see the Code of Conduct.
If you want to report a security issue, please read this.
Engage with test automation Architects, SDETs, Testers, and Developers around the world. Get the latest product updates. Discuss testing philosophies and more. Join the Testsigma Community on Discord.
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Testsigma is available under the Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0).