
Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content. Repo containing the new major version (v2)




This is the development repository of Thelia. If you want to create a project, please take a look at thelia/thelia-project

If you want to download a packaged, ready-to-use distribution of the most recent version of Thelia please download


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Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content. This software is published under GNU General Public License v3.0.

A repository containing all thelia modules is available at this address :


Thelia 2.3 Thelia 2.4 Thelia 2.5
PHP 5.5 5.6 7.0 7.1 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.0.2 8.1 8.2
MySQL 5.5 5.6 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.6 5.7 8.0
Symfony 2.8 2.8 6.0 6.3


  • PHP
    • Required extensions :
      • PDO_Mysql
      • openssl
      • intl
      • gd
      • curl
      • dom
    • safe_mode off
    • memory_limit at least 128M, preferably 256.
    • post_max_size 20M
    • upload_max_filesize 2M
    • date.timezone must be defined
  • Web Server Apache 2 or Nginx

MySQL 5.6

As of MySQL 5.6, default configuration sets the sql_mode value to


This ‘STRICT_TRANS_TABLES’ configuration results in SQL errors when no default value is defined on NOT NULL columns and the value is empty or invalid.

You can edit this default config in /etc/my.cnf and change the sql_mode to remove the STRICT_TRANS_TABLES part


Assuming your sql_mode is the default one, you can change the value directly on the run by running the following SQL Command


For more information on sql_mode you can consult the MySQL doc

Archive builders

Thelia’s archive builder’s needs external libraries.
For zip archives, you need PECL zip. See PHP Doc

For tar archives, you need PECL phar. Moreover, you need to deactivate php.ini option “phar.readonly”:

phar.readonly = Off

For tar.bz2 archives, you need tar’s dependencies and the extension “bzip2”. See PHP Doc

For tar.gz archives, you need tar’s dependencies and the extension “zlib”. See PHP Doc

Download Thelia 2 and install its dependencies

You can get the sources from git and then let composer install dependencies, or use composer to install the whole thelia project into a specific directory

Using git for download and composer for dependencies

$ git clone --recursive path
$ cd path
$ git checkout 2.5.5
$ curl -sS | php
$ php composer.phar install

Using composer for both download and dependencies

$ curl -sS | php
$ php composer.phar create-project thelia/thelia path/ 2.5.5

If something goes wrong during the install process, you can restart Thelia install wizard with
the following command : php composer.phar run-script post-create-project-cmd

Install it

You can install Thelia by different way

Using install wizard

Installing thelia with the web install wizard allow to create an administrator, add some informations about your shop, etc

First of all, you have to configure a vhost as describe in configuration section.

The install wizard in accessible with your favorite browser :


For example, I have thelia downloaded at and my vhost is correctly configured, I have to reach this address :

Using cli tools

$ php Thelia thelia:install

You just have to follow all instructions.

Docker and docker compose

This repo contains all the configuration needed to run Thelia with docker and docker-compose.
Warning, this docker configuration is not ready for production.

It requires obviously docker and docker-compose

Please, follow the official documentation to install docker and docker-compose on your system :


See the documentation :

If you submit modifications that adds new data or change the structure of the database, take a look to


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