thirty bees - e-commerce that works for you
thirty bees is a matured e-commerce solution which once started as a fork of PrestaShop and is still compatible with (almost) all PS 1.6 modules. Its focus is on stability, correctness and reliability of the rich feature set, to allow merchants to focus on growing their business.
thirty bees is commited to being free and open source. We are also committed to making all software that thirty bees develops free and open source. For that reason we have setup a Backers page so our community can help support us. Please feel free to sign-up as a backer to help support ThirtyBees so it can grow and thrive!
Support for these general requirements (except recommendations) gets tested during installation, so one can simply try to proceed. A proceeding installation means all requirements are met.
You can install the master or follow a release package
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
folder$ COMPOSER=composer/<php>/composer.json composer install
$ php install-dev/index_cli.php --newsletter=1 --language=en --country=us --domain=thirty.bees:8888 --db_name=thirtybees --db_create=1 --name=thirtybees [email protected] --firstname=thirty --lastname=bees --password=thirtybees
--step all / database,fixtures,theme,modules (Default: all)
--language Language iso code (Default: en)
--all_languages Install all available languages (Default: 0)
--timezone (Default: Europe/Paris)
--base_uri (Default: /)
--domain (Default: localhost)
--db_server (Default: localhost)
--db_user (Default: root)
--db_password (Default: )
--db_name (Default: thirtybees)
--db_clear Drop existing tables (Default: 1)
--db_create Create the database if not exist (Default: 0)
--prefix (Default: tb_)
--engine InnoDB (Default: InnoDB)
--name (Default: thirty bees)
--activity (Default: 0)
--country (Default: fr)
--firstname (Default: John)
--lastname (Default: Doe)
--password (Default: 0123456789)
--email (Default: [email protected])
--license Show thirty bees license (Default: 0)
--newsletter Get news from thirty bees (Default: 1)
--send_email Send an email to the administrator after installation (Default: 1)