
Concurrent trie-hash map library


Concurrent trie-hash map

Build Status

Concurrent trie-hash map library – a general purpose associative array,
combining the elements of hashing and radix trie. Highlights:

  • Very competitive performance, with logarithmic time complexity on average.
  • Lookups are lock-free and inserts/deletes are using fine-grained locking.
  • Incremental growth of the data structure (no large resizing/rehashing).
  • Optional support for use with shared memory, e.g. memory-mapped file.

The implementation is written in C11 and distributed under the 2-clause
BSD license.

NOTE: Delete operations (the key/data destruction) must be synchronised with
the readers using some reclamation mechanism. You can use the Epoch-based
Reclamation (EBR) library provided HERE.

References (some, but not all, key ideas are based on these papers):


  • thmap_t *thmap_create(uintptr_t baseptr, const thmap_ops_t *ops, unsigned flags)

    • Construct a new trie-hash map. The optional ops parameter can
      used to set the custom allocate/free operations (see the description
      of thmap_ops_t below). In such case, the baseptr is the base (start)
      address of the address space mapping (it must be word-aligned). If ops
      is set to NULL, then malloc(3) and free(3) will be used as the
      default operations and baseptr should be
      set to zero. Currently, the supported flags are:
      • THMAP_NOCOPY: the keys on insert will not be copied and the given
        pointers to them will be expected to be valid and the values constant
        until the key is deleted; by default, the put operation will make a
        copy of the key.
      • THMAP_SETROOT: indicate that the root of the map will be manually
        set using the thmap_setroot routine; by default, the map is initialised
        and the root node is set on thmap_create.
  • void thmap_destroy(thmap_t *hmap)

    • Destroy the map, freeing the memory it uses.
  • void *thmap_get(thmap_t *hmap, const void *key, size_t len)

    • Lookup the key (of a given length) and return the value associated with it.
      Return NULL if the key is not found (see the caveats section).
  • void *thmap_put(thmap_t *hmap, const void *key, size_t len, void *val)

    • Insert the key with an arbitrary value. If the key is already present,
      return the already existing associated value without changing it.
      Otherwise, on a successful insert, return the given value. Just compare
      the result against val to test whether the insert was successful.
  • void *thmap_del(thmap_t *hmap, const void *key, size_t len)

    • Remove the given key. If the key was present, return the associated
      value; otherwise return NULL. The memory associated with the entry is
      not released immediately, because in the concurrent environment (e.g.
      multi-threaded application) the caller may need to ensure it is safe to
      do so. It is managed using the thmap_stage_gc and thmap_gc routines.
  • void *thmap_stage_gc(thmap_t *hmap)

    • Stage the currently pending entries (the memory not yet released after
      the deletion) for reclamation (G/C). This operation should be called
      before the synchronisation barrier.
    • Returns a reference which must be passed to thmap_gc. Not calling the
      G/C function for the returned reference would result in a memory leak.
  • void thmap_gc(thmap_t *hmap, void *ref)

    • Reclaim (G/C) the staged entries i.e. release any memory associated
      with the deleted keys. The reference must be the value returned by the
      call to thmap_stage_gc.
    • This function must be called after the synchronisation barrier which
      guarantees that there are no active readers referencing the staged entries.

If the map is created using the THMAP_SETROOT flag, then the following
functions are applicable:

  • void thmap_setroot(thmap_t *thmap, uintptr_t root_offset)

    • Set the root node. The address must be relative to the base address,
      as if allocated by the thmap_ops_t::alloc routine. Return 0 on success
      and -1 on failure (if already set).
  • uintptr_t thmap_getroot(const thmap_t *thmap)

    • Get the root node address. The returned address will be relative to
      the base address.

The thmap_ops_t structure has the following members:

  • uintptr_t (*alloc)(size_t len)
    • Function to allocate the memory. Must return an address to the
      memory area of the size len. The address must be relative to the
      base address specified during map creation and must be word-aligned.
  • void (*free)(uintptr_t addr, size_t len)
    • Function to release the memory. Must take a previously allocated
      address (relative to the base) and release the memory area. The len
      is guaranteed to match the original allocation length.


Internally, offsets from the base pointer are used to organise the access
to the data structure. This allows user to store the data structure in the
shared memory, using the allocation/free functions. The keys will also be
copied using the custom functions; if THMAP_NOCOPY is set, then the keys
must belong to the same shared memory object.

The implementation was extensively tested on a 24-core x86 machine,
see the stress test for the details on the technique.


  • The implementation uses pointer tagging and atomic operations. This
    requires the base address and the allocations to provide at least word

  • While the NULL values may be inserted, thmap_get and thmap_del
    cannot indicate whether the key was not found or a key with a NULL value
    was found. If the caller needs to indicate an “empty” value, it can use a
    special pointer value, such as (void *)(uintptr_t)0x1.


The library has been benchmarked using different key profiles (8 to 256
bytes), set sizes (hundreds, thousands, millions) and ratio between readers
and writers (from 60:40 to 90:10). In all cases it demonstrated nearly
linear scalability (up to the number of cores). Here is an example result
when matched with the C++ libcuckoo library:

Disclaimer: benchmark results, however, depend on many aspects (workload,
hardware characteristics, methodology, etc). Ultimately, readers are
encouraged to perform their own benchmarks.


Simple case backed by malloc(3), which could be used in multi-threaded

thmap_t *kvmap;
struct obj *obj;

kvmap = thmap_create(0, NULL);
assert(kvmap != NULL);
obj = obj_create();
thmap_put(kvmap, "test", sizeof("test") - 1, obj);
obj = thmap_get(kvmap, "test", sizeof("test") - 1);


Just build the package, install it and link the library using the
-lthmap flag.

  • RPM (tested on RHEL/CentOS 7): cd pkg && make rpm
  • DEB (tested on Debian 9): cd pkg && make deb