
A weather app, provides time of current location and the weather for any location you search, along with the forecast at three-hour intervals for the next five days.


SIGMK2 (Story Idea Generator Mark 2)

An app that helps writers by giving them a basic plot from which to start

This app contains three lists:

  • Protagonists
  • Actions
  • Some random words

By clicking the button, this app fires a functions that chooses one items from each of these three lists, providing the user with a very basic plot idea. (For the list of protagonists, every attempt was taken to keep the list as gender-neutral as possible.) What is done with this idea is open to interpretation. Should the plot not inspire the user, the app can be reset, and another plot can be obtained.

This app is part of a series of apps I created to assit me in my passion for creating and writing stories.

The other apps in this series are:

This is a new version of an older project.

The older of this project can be found here:

See the original here: Story Idea Generator
See the repo HERE

How to install this project

The easiest way to gain a deeper understanding of how this project works is:

  1. Clone this project
  2. Run npm install
  3. Launch the project in you browser

How to contribute to this project

Think something’s missing from one or all of the lists? Go an idea for a feature that would work well with this project? I’m open to contributions. Feel free to create an issue. Then please fork and clone the project.

Find a bug?

If you discover a bug, please create an issue. Then create a PR and reference the issue you created.

Like this project?

You’re welcome to buy me a coffee! Don’t worry; This link will take you to a site where I’m attempting to fund another passion project.