☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack...
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framew...
Gray box end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps
BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework....
A visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer
Offensive Web Testing Framework (OWTF), is a framework which tries to unite great tools and make pen testing more efficient http://owtf.org https://twitter.com/owt...
Frisby is a REST API testing framework built on Jest that makes testing API endpoints easy, fast, and fun....
Custom Element + Framework Interoperability Tests.
Vajra is a highly customizable target and scope based automated web hacking framework to automate boring recon tasks and same scans for multiple target during web...
A Karma plugin - adapter for Jasmine testing framework.
A collection of frameworks that I love with a strong focus on clean code, testing, software architecture/design and devops....
Reporter classes for the jasmine test framework. Includes JUnitXmlReporter for generating junit xml output for running in CI environments like Jenkins....
A Microservices-based framework for the study of Network Security and Penetration Test techniques
An assertion library for JavaScript and Node.js with a friendly BDD syntax (awesome.must.be.true()). It ships with many expressive matchers and is test runner and...
Framework allows to perform load testing with Apache Jmeter, view application/server metrics in real-time with Grafana, analyze errors cause with detailed traces f...
AlephBet is a pure-javascript A/B (multivariate) testing framework for developers.
Next.js recently became the official React framework as outlined in React docs. In this course, you'll learn the most important Next.js concepts and how they fit i...
Synpress is e2e testing framework based on Cypress.io and playwright with support for metamask.
A Microservices-based framework for the study of Network Security and Penetration Test techniques
A collection of frameworks that I love with a strong focus on clean code, testing, software architecture/design and devops....