Near-zero config .NET library that makes advanced application features like Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Event Broadcasting, and more a breeze!...
The Service Bus Explorer allows users to connect to a Service Bus namespace and administer messaging entities in an easy manner. The tool provides advanced feature...
Redisson - Valkey and Redis Java client. Real-Time Data Platform. Sync/Async/RxJava/Reactive API. Over 50 Valkey and Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Mu...
GoDS (Go Data Structures) - Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues, and much more
Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.
A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11
Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later....
Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
🔩 Like builtins, but boltons. 250+ constructs, recipes, and snippets which extend (and rely on nothing but) the Python standard library. Nothing like Michael Bol...
BullMQ - Message Queue and Batch processing for NodeJS and Python based on Redis
An Open-Source Collection of Flash Cards to Help You Preparing Your Algorithms & Data Structures and System Design Interviews 💯...
Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native)...
MapDB provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap-memory. It is a fast and easy to use embedded Java database engine....
:books: collection of JavaScript and TypeScript data structures and algorithms for education purposes. Source code bundle of JavaScript algorithms and data structu...
A simple, fast, robust job/task queue for Node.js, backed by Redis.
A fast single-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue for C++
The easiest way to serve AI apps and models - Build Model Inference APIs, Job queues, LLM apps, Multi-model pipelines, and more!...