A command-line application to convert images, PDFs, and audio files to text using Apple's APIs
Scan the MRZ code of a passport and extract the firstname, lastname, passport number, nationality, date of birth, expiration date and personal numer....
快如闪电的硬字幕提取工具。仅需苹果M1芯片或英伟达3060显卡即可达到10倍速提取。A very fast tool for video hardcode subtitle extraction
A Swift wrapper around Tesseract for use in iOS, macOS, and Linux applications
A handwriting recognition example for iOS using NeuralNet
Simple command-line utility for performing OCR using Apple's Vision framework
A powerful command-line OCR tool built with Apple's Vision framework, supporting single image and batch processing with detailed positional information output....
Great iOS11 app demo with Vision (VNTextObservation) and Tesseract-OCR-iOS
macOS menu bar app that efficiently detects text from copied images.
Scans and parses machine-readable passport data using Tesseract
Screen translator for macOS with Apple Vision API and IBM Watson, Google Cloud Translator
Easy-to-use iOS document scanner and data extraction library for native iOS apps
macOS OCR CLI for https://developer.apple.com/documentation/vision/vnrecognizetextrequest
License Plate Reader iOS Application using OCR technologies and CoreData
This prototype is to recognize text inside the image and for that it uses Tesseract OCR. The underlying Tesseract engine will process the picture and return anythi...