Vue.js file upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory, Upload multiple files at the same time, html4 (IE 9), `PUT` met...
An easy to use powerful data table for vuejs with advanced customizations including sorting, column filtering, pagination, grouping etc...
FilterBuilder is an UI component to create queries and filters. Based on vue 2.0.
Convert, browse and clear cached images and files. Images you see online are never deleted immediately, unless you delete them of course. Most desktop apps have a...
:tada: A dynamic table with sorting, filtering, editing, pagination, multiple select, etc.
一个基于Vue + Webpack构建的简单chat示例,聊天记录保存在localStorge。简单演示了Vue的component、filter、directive、computed以及组件间的事件通讯...
A simple Search & Filter application with Vue.js in a WordPress child theme
Allows you to control the columns and filters shown on any Nova resource index
QGrid is a Quasar App Extension. It allows you to filter data for each column, Drag and Drop Rows and also allows you to filter data using header filters....
Diagnostic-oriented MQTT client tool. Supports MQTT 5.0 and 3.1.X protocols, connections to multiple brokers, MQTT operations logs and multiple subscribe widgets w...
Image Hub is a sample application for exploring WebAssembly modules used as Envoy filters.
:male_detective: A headless unopinionated advanced visual filtering component for Vue 2 and 3
A screen overlay filter that helps people affected by the visual snow syndrome.
A web-based timetabler helping SHUers filter and preselect courses easily. SHU排课助手. 上海大学排课助手.
🗓 A web-based timetabler helping SHUers filter and preselect courses easily. SHU排课助手. 上海大学排课助手.
This Laravel Nova package allows you to detach filters from the filter dropdown and show them on a card...
This package allows you to apply any of your existing Laravel Nova filters to your cards in Dashboards or Index and Detail view of your nova resources....
Provides capability of selecting multiple values with Nova Resource filter.
Sample code and demo of Vuetify 2 <v-data-table> custom filtering
Searchable Nova filter for belongsTo relationships
VueQueryBuilder is an UI component to create queries and filters. refer to and
A small app built with Vue.js to apply CSS3 filter functions to images.
Smart table using vue.js - sorting columns, filter by string, child rows, custom columns, custom row data...
A reusable / responsive data-table component written in vue.js inspired by vuetify's v-data-table component capable of search, sort, filter, update the items of th...
Vue.js UI component that allows users to define multiple filters that can then be used to filter data....
A small PWA for browsing/filtering vocabulary and kanji in Genki I and II
vue3-datatable is a powerful component for creating dynamic and customizable data tables. It supports large amounts of data, sorting, pagination, and filtering and...
Nuxt 3 ecommerce site search with filtering and facets powered by Meilisearch
Awesome image component for vue2 & vue3 & nuxt. Lazyload / Responsive / Progressive / WebGL Filter / WebGL Transition / WebP...
A high performance and customized ellipsis component for vue. Support to custom ellipsis char, custom ellipsis node, end char filter, rich text, ...etc. Inspired b...
preview, QA, quickly view, and filter by trait, generator builds in a local web app.