Login page with wizard navigation for authorization by certificate from CryptoPro cades browser plugin api...
Create a VUE Table component that will read JSON then it should be collected from all the ancestors of this field (name.firstName, name.lastName) Client pagination...
A Single Page Application for Shop including carousel, items, navigations with router.
fancy freemail service auth and landing page with fancy carousel site navigation using symfony5, vuejs, bootstrap, jquery......
Première utilisation de vue router. j'utilise cette bibliothèque pour créer ma première SPA(Single Page Application). Elle permet de basculer entre les pages sans...
Navigation bar which stays on top of the page on the first section. Ideal when you want it transparent on first section....
A Vue.js app that utilizes the public Elder Scrolls Legends API to display card images and card info. It uses Vuex to manage app state and Vue router to handle pag...
With the advent of the era of big data, all walks of life are gradually moving towards informatization and data. The traditional retail industry has also begun to...