Airline Booking is a sample web application that provides Flight Search, Flight Payment, Flight Booking and Loyalty points including end-to-end testing, GraphQL an...
See readme for newer repo details! A sample shop that shows how to manage payments with Vue, Stripe, and Serverless Functions...
Shopping site using vue.js and firebase(no payment setting)
zkCheckout — trustable permissionless DeFi payment gateway. Fast & cheap transfers / simple & quick withdrawal...
An Ephemeral, browser-based, no-private-key, no-server Point of Sale for receiving and validating Monero payments...
Start accepting Bitcoin payments on your website in minutes. Beautiful widgets, no fees, instant payouts....
Vue.js application for accepting Bitcoin Lightning payments, using the OpenNode API, and notifying the iozeta CryptoVend....
✅一款開源免費的,為商戶提供包括`USDT-TRC20`、`USDT-ERC20`等各類加密貨幣`代收代付`功能的支付解決方案。 ✅An open source and free payment solution that provides merchants with various cryptocurrency coll...
In-store payment requests in XRP (using Ripple URI QR) - With currency converter
An e-commerce web application in Vue.js Framework with Vuex state management, Stripe payment gateway, Node.js backend and MySQL database....
Integrating razorpay payment gateway in Vue.js app using Firebase
Easily make & receive Bitcoin and Lightning Network payments on the web using your Casa Node.
An Ecommerce Boilerplate made with Vuejs And Vuetify intrgrated with Firebase and Stripe Payments
An open source starter solution for organizations to add a customer portal to their FileMaker database. Supports taking credit card payments online....
Card Payment - Hybrid mobile template built with Ionic Vue using capacitor for native builds.
Sip POS is a POS application whose purpose is to help people who have a shop / cafe whose payment process is onsite....
Accept payments on your Vue.js/Express-based website with cards, wallets, and key local payment methods...