:necktie: :briefcase: Build fast :rocket: and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS....
A PDF viewer for Vue using Mozilla's PDF.js that supports both Vue2 and Vue3
vue-html2pdf converts any vue component or element into PDF, vue-html2pdf is basically a vue wrapper only and uses html2pdf.js behind the scenes....
A tool to interactively select text regions of PDFs and images. Mostly for use with PDFQuery or tesseract (UZN/OCR zone files)...
resume-project 简历在线生成器,快速完成一份简历的编写。并根据填写的相关信息生成一份PDF文档的简历。
['doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'pdf', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']格式文件的预览,vue 组件
A chrome extension allows you to save the photos of a Facebook post with their high quality as a PDF or a zip file....
PDF Guru Anki是一款以PDF为中心的多功能办公学习工具箱软件,包含四大板块功能:PDF实用工具箱、Anki制卡神器、Anki最强辅助、视频笔记神器,软件功能众多且强大,熟练运用可以大幅提高办公和学习效率,绝对是您不可多得的效率神器。人生苦短,我用Guru!...
THE reference manager with features including PDF reading/annotating, Markdown/Excalidraw note-taking, project/note linking, and more......
THE reference manager with features including PDF reading/annotating, Markdown/Excalidraw note-taking, project/note linking, and more......